Smart Meter Bridge

Smart Meter Bridge allows the user to expose a serial connection to a DSMR smartmeter as a TCP/IP service. It's primary use case is to be used in conjunction with Home Assistant in situations where the device running Home Assistant is not directly connected to the P1 port of a DSMR smart meter. There are several hardware options to provide a solution in that case, but for people (like me) who already have a raspberry pi lying around, a software solution is better.

Why not ser2net?

Ser2net offers a lot more features than are needed in this particular use-case. Smart Meter Bridge is written in GoLang which allows it to be compiled to a single executable file that can run without dependencies.

Quick start

  • Download the binary for your system.
  • Create a file named config.yml in the folder containing the binary
  • Add the following lines to config.yml:
serial_port: "/path/to/your/serial/port"
  port: 9988
  • Execute the binary