
A library that generate SPARQL queries and request a endpoints for Objective-C

Primary LanguageObjective-C

SPARQL for Objective-C

A library that generate SPARQL queries and request a endpoints


A quick and easy sparql request to understand how it works.

SPARQL *sparql = [[SPARQL alloc] init];
[sparql addWhereWithSubject:@"http://dbpedia.org/resource/Daft_Punk" predicate:@"?p" andObject:@"?o"];
[sparql executeQueryWithSuccess:^(NSURLRequest *request, NSHTTPURLResponse *response, id JSON) {
    NSArray *items = [[(NSDictionary *)JSON objectForKey:@"results"] objectForKey:@"bindings"];
} orFailure:nil];


  • NSString *baseUrl url of the sparql endpoint
  • NSString *method GET or POST
  • NSString *queryParameterName the name of the query variable
  • NSString *formatParameterName the name of the format varaible
  • NSString *formatParameterValue by default in JSON
  • BOOL distinct say if the query is distinct
  • int limit the limit of results
  • int offset where to start
  • BOOL debug will print in the the console the query is set to YES


- (void)addPrefixeWithNamespace:(NSString *)ns andURI:(NSString *)uri;

You can add prefixes in your query

- (void)addVariableWithName:(NSString *)name;

Add a varaible to select, if there is no variable, the query will be buid with *

- (void)addVariablesWithNames:(NSArray *)names;

Same as addVariableWithName: but with a list of NSString

- (void)selectInGraph:(NSString *)graph;

You can specify the URI of the graph where the select will be perform

- (void)insertInGraph:(NSString *)graph;

By setting the URI graph, the query will perform an insert

- (void)deleteInGraph:(NSString *)graph withCondition:(NSString *)condition;

By setting the URI graph and a condition, the query will perform a delete

- (void)addWhereWithSubject:(NSString *)subject predicate:(NSString *)predicate andObject:(NSString *)object;

Generate a where condition in the query

- (void)addOptionalWhereWithSubject:(NSString *)subject predicate:(NSString *)predicate andObject:(NSString *)object;

Same as addWhereWithSubject:predicate:andObject: but in an optional bloc

- (void)addComplexeOptionalWhereWithSPARQLObject:(SPARQL *)sparqlObject;

Will create an optional bloc with more complex conditions with an other SPARQL object

- (void)addUnionWithSPARQLObject:(SPARQL *)sparqlObject;

Create a union bloc

- (void)addFilter:(NSString *)filter;

Add a filter in the where bloc of the query

- (void)addOrderByOnVariable:(NSString *)variable inASC:(BOOL)asc;

Create an order by rule. If ASC is NO a DESC rule will be created

- (void)executeQueryWithSuccess:(void (^)(NSURLRequest *request, NSHTTPURLResponse *response, id JSON))success
                      orFailure:(void (^)(NSURLRequest *request, NSHTTPURLResponse *response, NSError *error, id JSON))failure;

Perform the request on the endpoint. For now only the JSON format is supported

- (NSString *)query;

Get the Sparql query as a String

- (NSString *)buildWhere;

Generate only the where part of the query.