
Reimplement and enhance ssi logic in nginx with lua module

Primary LanguageLuaOtherNOASSERTION


  • Latest Release: GitHub version
  • Build Status: Build Status

This is an effort to replace nginx's c ssi implementation with a flexible native lua based version, since nginx ssi does not work with the lua module.

This solution has some advantages over the c ssi version:

  • it allows regexp for ssi types (because there are no wildcards in c ssi_types)
  • it works with lua module
  • for 200 OK responses it generates and handles etags based on md5 after all ssi includes have been performed
  • it handles and sanitizes invalid json in subrequests (inline or as summary)
  • it handles only: <!--#include file="PATH" --> and <!--#include virtual="PATH" --> and no other ssi features


If you started with a location like this:

location / {
	# add your proxy_* parameters and so on here

you have to replace it with something like this:

location /ssi-api-gateway/ {
	rewrite ^/ssi-api-gateway/(.*)$ /$1  break;
	# add your proxy_* parameters and so on here

location / {
	set $ssi_api_gateway_prefix "/ssi-api-gateway";
	set $ssi_validate_json_types "application/json application/.*json";
	set $ssi_invalid_json_fallback '{"error": "invalid json", "url": %%URL%%, "message": %%MESSAGE%%}';
	content_by_lua_file "/etc/nginx/lua-ssi-content.lua";
	header_filter_by_lua_file "/etc/nginx/lua-ssi-header.lua";

The ssi-api-gateway location is necessary to use e.g. nginx's caching layer and such things.

Activate SSI only for specific content types

If you want to enable ssi only for specific content types, use the following nginx configuration variable in the nginx location:

set $ssi_types "text/.*html application/.*json";

The default is:

set $ssi_types ".*";

Activate JSON Summary Validation

Prerequisites: Install cjson (e.g. apt-get install lua-cjson to activate this feature. Otherwise you get the following message: Even though ssi_validate_json is true, the cjson library is not installed! Skip validation!.

If you want to ensure, that subrequested json is always valid, you can activate this in the nginx location:

set $ssi_validate_json_types "application/json application/.*json";
set $ssi_invalid_json_fallback '{"error": "invalid json", "url": %%URL%%, "message": %%MESSAGE%%}';

If you setup the configuration like this, the following ssi:

GET /broken_json_include/
{"thisIsThe": "index", "sub_resources": [<!--# include file="/broken_json_include/broken_sub_resource.json" -->] }

GET /broken_json_include/broken_sub_resource.json
{"thisIsA": "subResource", "with invalud json}

will result in the following valid json response:

	"error": "invalid json",
	"brokenSsiRequests": [
			"url": "\/broken_json_include\/broken_sub_resource.json",
			"message": "Expected object key string but found unexpected end of string at character 47"
	"message": "Expected object key string but found unexpected end of string at character 91","url":"\/broken_json_include\/"

Activate JSON Inline Validation

If you don't want to replace the entire SSI response with an error summary (like in the previous section), you can add:

set $ssi_validate_json_inline on;

and only the broken SSI will be replaced with the $ssi_invalid_json_fallback.

Important: Please don't forget to define $ssi_validate_json_types and $ssi_invalid_json_fallback like described in the previous section!.


GET /broken_json_include/
{"thisIsThe": "index", "sub_resources": [<!--# include file="/broken_json_include/broken_sub_resource.json" -->] }

GET /broken_json_include/broken_sub_resource.json
{"thisIsA": "subResource", "with invalud json}

will result in the following valid json response:

  "thisIsThe": "index",
  "sub_resources": [
      "error": "invalid json",
      "url": "/broken_json_include/",
      "message": "Expected object key string but found unexpected end of string at character 47"

Limit recursion depth

The default values for the maximum depth (1024) and the maximum amount of includes (65535) can be changed with the following configuration parameters:

set $ssi_max_includes 512;
set $ssi_max_ssi_depth 16;

If the limit is exceeded, the ssi will be replaced with:

	"error": "invalid json",
	"url": "\/recursion_cap_depth\/sub_resource.json",
	"message": "max recursion depth exceeded 16(was 17)"


	"error": "invalid json",
	"url": "\/recursion_cap\/sub_resource.json",
	"message": "max ssi includes exceeded 512(was 728)"

You can change the response with:

set $ssi_invalid_json_fallback '{"error": "invalid json", "url": %%URL%%, "message": %%MESSAGE%%}';


To run the tests locally launch:

$ ./launch-test-nginx.sh
Successfully built 72a844684987
2016/09/11 11:34:02 [alert] 1#0: lua_code_cache is off; this will hurt performance in /etc/nginx/sites-enabled/port-4778-app.conf:12
nginx: [alert] lua_code_cache is off; this will hurt performance in /etc/nginx/sites-enabled/port-4778-app.conf:12

Now the nginx processes are running with docker.

Now you can run the tests like this:

$ ./run-tests.sh
  [OK] echo
  [OK] echo_custom_header
  [OK] echo_method
  [OK] gzip
  [OK] image
  [OK] json
  [OK] json_include
  [OK] one


Subrequests hang when used with lua native ssi

The following setup is often used, to avoid buffering on disk:

proxy_buffer_size          16k;
proxy_buffering         on;
proxy_max_temp_file_size 0;

but it will result in hanging requests, if the response size is bigger then 16k.

That's why you should either use (means: disable buffering at all):

proxy_buffer_size          16k;
proxy_buffering         off;

or (means: store up to 1024m in temp file)

proxy_buffer_size          16k;
proxy_buffering         on;
proxy_max_temp_file_size 1024m;

to work around this issue.


See https://github.com/DracoBlue/lua-native-ssi-nginx/issues for all open TODOs.




This work is copyright by DracoBlue (http://dracoblue.net) and licensed under the terms of MIT License.