
A simple real estate app build with MEAN( Angular, Node and mongoDb ) and MERN( React, Node and mongoDb )

Primary LanguageJavaScript

RealEstate using Angular, React, Node and MongoDb

Project Layout

  • Common API codebase for Angular aswellas React codebase
  • Individual codebase for Angular UI aswellas React UI
  • React codebase under Initial phase

Features -

  • Login/Registration (using bcrypt password encryption)
  • Property:
    • Post New Property (add images, Auto-generated property title, Dynamic form entries, slug creation in backend)
    • Filter, view properties (multiple views option)
    • Auth guard, Local storage
    • File upload in mongodb (using gridfs)
  • Many more functionalities to add....

Services used / Minimum Requirements -

  • Angular 5 (now Angular 7)
  • Node v8.11.1 && npm v5.6.0
  • MongoDb v3.6.3

I have used Ubuntu 16.04 for the development of this project, conflicts may arrive when running it in other OS.

File Structure -

  • real-estate/ANGULAR_CODE_BASE (directory for Angular front-end )
  • real-estate/NODEJS_CODE_BASE/ (directory for Node-express back-end )

Installation / Configuration -

  • Install the above required services
  • After clonning the repo use npm install in the ANGULAR_CODE_BASE/ directory as well as in NODEJS_CODE_BASE/ directory

Note - Back-end and front-end will have their individual node_modules

Running the project

  • ng serve in the root directory - Angular

  • sudo service mongod start for starting mongoDB server

    • Note: this command may vary acc to the OS, please check mongodb for the right command for your system
  • node index.js in the API/ directory - Backend (npm start if nodemon is installed)


  1. Mongodb must be running before running backend server
  2. I prefer using nodemon for running back-end to install npm i -g nodemon and then run using npm start


