
In search of effective and efficient Pipeline for Distillating Knowledge in Convolutional Neural Networks

Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT

Plug (Cheap Conv) and Play

This repository contains the code for Knowledge Distillation in Convolutional Neural Network in Low-resource settings (both computational cost and data). The code is usable for both Classification and Semantic Segmantation tasks.


Follow below instructions for running knowledge distillation in DeepWV3Plus model for Cityscapes dataset:

  1. Download the dataset to data folder, the folder structure should be: data\gtFine\train as the sample set provided

  2. Download the pretrained model as a teacher from here and put it in checkpoints

  3. Try python train.py -c config.json to run code with default settings.


Resuming from checkpoints

You can resume from a previously saved checkpoint by adding resume_path in trainer of config.json such as:

"metrics": [],
"trainer": {
        "do_validation_interval": 100,
        "len_epoch": 100,
        "resume_path": "checkpoint-epoch20.pth",
        "tensorboard": true
"lr_scheduler": {


In our experiments, the student networks are finetuned with unlabeled images and usually requires less than 2 hours (on single P100 GPU) to achieve the results below.


Results on Test set. Note that all the submission are augmented with sliding windows and crop size of 1024.

Model Teacher Param Student Param Teacher mIoU Student mIoU
Deeplabv3+ (Wideresnet38) Video augmented 137M 92M 83.4 82.1
Deeplabv3+ (Wideresnet38) Video augmented 137M 79M 83.4 81.3

Results on Val set. We don't use test-time augmentation on val set.

Model Teacher Param Student Param Teacher mIoU Student mIoU
Gated-SCNN 137M 86M 80.9 79.6


This repository is borrowed from the project Pytorch-Template and NVIDIA semantic-segmentation