- Correlation Id Logging
- HttpClient Logging Extension (e.g. Correlation Id)
- Serilog
- Rebus Initialization
- Automapper
- Fluent Validation
- Example Controller with Example HttpClient Api
- HttpClient Factory mit Refit and Polly
- DB Migration Tool
ng new demo-frontend --routing --skipGit --style=scss
- Proxy config to backend on port 5000
- TSLint Rules
- Correlation Id Interceptor (always adds a correlation id to the requests)
- Date Http Interceptor (make sure Date properties are Date objects)
- Translation with ngx-translate
- Lazy loading modules
- NgRx initialization
The local and ci build is done with nuke build.
dotnet tool install Nuke.GlobalTool --global
- Build, Lint, test Docker Image with Back- and Frontend
- Setup Databases
- Example EFK Stack for Docker Swarm
- Example Traefik for Docker Swarm
- Example Portainer for Docker Swarm
- Example folder structure (from Simon Brown)
- Architecture decision record template