
Context sensitive completion for Ocaml in Vim and Emacs

Primary LanguageOCamlMIT LicenseMIT

merlin completion in gvim

Installing Merlin manually


Needed: OCaml 4, ocamlfind, ocamlbuild, yojson, menhir

Merlin requires OCaml >=4.00.1 (may work with newer versions, but it is tightly bound to compiler internals).
Then ensures that "yojson" and "menhir" are installed and are registered in ocamlfind.

$ ./configure
$ make


If you don't get any error in step above:

$ make install 

Installing Merlin with opam

Needed: opam, OCaml 4.00.1 (can be installed via opam typing opam switch 4.00.1).

Then, just do :

$ opam install merlin

Share directory, <SHARE_DIR>

In the rest of the document, <SHARE_DIR> refers to the directory where merlin data files are installed.

It will usually be:

  • "/usr/local/share" if you used manual configuration merlin
  • "/share" if you explicitly specified a prefix when configuring merlin
  • printed by the command opam config var share, if you used opam

Setting-up vim

Makes sure that ocamlmerlin binary can be found in PATH.

The only setup needed is to have the following directories in vim runtime path (append this to your .vimrc):

:set rtp+=<SHARE_DIR>/ocamlmerlin/vim
:set rtp+=<SHARE_DIR>/ocamlmerlin/vimbufsync

The default configuration can be seen in:


After adding merlin to vim runtime path, you will probably want to run :helptags <SHARE_DIR>/ocamlmerlin/vim/doc to register merlin documentation inside vim.

Now you may be interested by Features and interaction with other plugins, Merlin project and Extensions sections.

Features and interaction with other plugins

Omnicompletion should be available out-of-box.

The documentation is accessible through :h merlin.txt and should provide all the necessary information on how to set-up merlin with other plugins ( Supertab, neocomplcache, syntastic). It also lists, and explain, all the available commands.

Misc: description of plugin's files

  • <SHARE_DIR>/ocamlmerlin/vim -- main vim plugin directory

    • plugin/merlin.vim -- sample configuration
    • autoload/
      • merlin.vim -- main vim script
      • merlin.py -- helper script needed by merlin.vim (has to be in the same directory)
    • syntax_checkers/
      -- integration with syntastic (ocaml or omlet)
      -- set g:syntastic_ocaml_checkers = ['merlin']
      -- or g:syntastic_omlet_checkers = ['merlin']
  • <SHARE_DIR>/ocamlmerlin/vimbufsync
    -- library needed by merlin vim mode to keep buffer synchronized

Upgrading vim plugin from merlin 1.0

Merlin plugin now relies on another vim helper called vimbufsync. If you installed from opam and/or archive, just make sure that vimbufsync is in vim runtime path:

:set rtp+=<SHARE_DIR>/ocamlmerlin/vimbufsync

Installing vim plugin with NeoBundle

To install Merlin using NeoBundle, add to your vim configuration:

NeoBundleLazy 'def-lkb/merlin.git', {'depends': 'def-lkb/vimbufsync.git',
    \ 'build': {
    \   'unix': './configure --bindir ~/bin --without-vimbufsync && make install-binary'
    \   },
    \ 'autoload': {'filetypes': ['ocaml']},
    \ 'rtp': 'vim/merlin'
    \ }

Where ~/bin should be the directory in your PATH (remove --bindir option to install to the system-wide bindir).

Emacs interface

merlin comes with an emacs interface (file: emacs/merlin.el) that implements a minor-mode that is supposed to be used on top of tuareg-mode.

If you installed through opam, all you need to do is add the following to your .emacs:

 (concat (substring (shell-command-to-string "opam config var share") 0 -1) "/emacs/site-lisp") load-path)
(setq merlin-command (concat (substring (shell-command-to-string "opam config var bin") 0 -1) "/ocamlmerlin"))
(autoload 'merlin-mode "merlin" "Merlin mode" t)
(add-hook 'tuareg-mode-hook 'merlin-mode)
(add-hook 'caml-mode-hook 'merlin-mode)

If you do not use opam, change the two first expressions above to point to the site-lisp directory containing merlin.el and ocamlmerlin:

(push "<SHARE_DIR>/emacs/site-lisp" load-path) ; directory containing merlin.el
(setq merlin-command "<BIN_DIR>/ocamlmerlin")  ; needed only if ocamlmerlin not already in your PATH

merlin-mode will make use of auto-complete-mode (available by package.el and the MELPA repository) if is is installed.


The emacs merlin-mode make all the features of merlin available inside emacs, by synchronizing ML buffers with a merlin instance. At any moment, the instance of merlin knows a part of the buffer that works like locked zones in proof assistant modes (eg. proofgeneral): editing inside this zone retracts it to the last valid phrase, and C-c C-RET (merlin-to-point) expands it to the current position. Moreover executing a merlin command also tries to advance the locked zone as much as possible to contain the point.

Main keybindings:

  • C-c C-t (merlin-type-enclosing) shows the type of the expression underpoint.

    Futher calls to C-up and C-down will allow you to go up and down in the typedtree printing type of bigger / smaller expressions.

    Not that if the region is active, merlin will try to type the content of the region.

  • C-c t (merlin-type-expr) prompt the user for an arbitrary expression and returns its type.

  • C-c <C-return> (merlin-to-point) forces synchronization between emacs and merlin. merlin will know the content of your buffer before the point, and display the errors in that section.

    Note that synchronization with the whole buffer is automatically done when you save.

  • C-c C-x (merlin-next-error) will jump to the next error and display the error message

  • C-c C-u (merlin-refresh) refreshes merlin's cmis cache (when you recompiled other files)

  • C-c C-r (merlin-rewind) retracts the whole buffer (useful when merlin seems confused)

  • C-c C-l (merlin-locate) tries to find the definition of the ident under point and jumps to it.
    Note that you can customize the way that command behaves (you can make it display the result in the current window, or open a new window, focused or not). Use M-x customize-group to see the full list of options.

  • C-c l (merlin-use) loads a findlib package inside merlin

  • C-c r (merlin-restart-process) restarts merlin process (useful when hung)

  • C-c C-n (merlin-next-phrase) moves the point to the beginning of the next phrase

  • C-c C-p (merlin-prev-phrase) moves the point to the beginning of the previous phrase

Moreover, you have regular auto-completion (M-TAB by default with emacs24) using completion-at-point. There is also auto-complete integration you can enable by setting merlin-use-auto-complete-mode to t:

(setq merlin-use-auto-complete-mode t)

It will enable auto-complete mode with the merlin source in ML buffers. With this setting, you can use C-c TAB to force completion.

Merlin project

When loading a ml file in your editor, merlin will search for a file named .merlin in the same directory as the file or in parent directories.

The ".merlin" allows you to integrate merlin with your project. Each line of this file begin with a directive name followed by zero, one or more arguments:

  • S <src-dir>: add a source directory, used to find *.ml / *.mli files
  • B <build-dir>: add a build directory, used to find *.cmi files
  • PKG <findlib-pkg>: load a findlib package and its dependencies in merlin
  • FLG <flag-list>: activates the given flags, the same effect can be achieved by lauching ocamlmerlin with those flags. For a full list of flags run ocamlmerlin -help.
  • REC : inform merlin that it should look for .merlin files in parent directories, and execute the directives it find in those files as well as the ones in the current file.
  • EXT <extension-list>: (undocumented)

Directory are either absolute or relative to the directory containing ".merlin" file.


Merlin doesn't support (nor plan to support) Camlp4. However, a few common extensions are hardcoded:


Support for lwt, match_lwt, try_lwt / finally, for_lwt, while_lwt, if_lwt and raise_lwt.
You need to add lwt package (with ":Use lwt" or "PKG lwt" in .merlin) for this to work, and it may be necessary to reload buffer for this change to take effect.


A few syntax extensions based on type-conv are supported as well. Namely :

  • sexplib.syntax
  • binprot.syntax
  • fieldslib.syntax
  • comparelib.syntax


Other common extensions which are supported :

  • pa_ounit.syntax
  • pa_js.syntax
