
Implementation of the ocaml.org website.

Primary LanguageCSS


This is the source code implementing the ocaml.org website. Information here is relevant only to developers and content contributors. End-users of the website should simply visit the website, which is hosted at http://ocaml.org.


Building the html pages requires:

  • bash
  • curl
  • rsync
  • GNU make
  • ocaml >= 3.12.0 (the presence of ocamlopt is required)
  • ocamlfind
  • mpp >= 0.1.2
  • omd >= 0.7.4
  • netstring, netclient, and rss (for rss2html.ml)

If you use opam, the OCaml packages above can be installed by running:

opam install ocamlfind mpp omd ocamlnet ocamlrss


The site consists only of static pages, so can be built and run entirely on a local machine without dependencies on external file or database servers. Simply run:


This will generate a new folder ocaml.org that contains the full website. If you want to be able to point your browser to ocaml.org, run instead make preview which will ensure that the links work locally (and not only on the server).


site - Main content of the site. Most files are in Markdown syntax and converted to HTML by the build scripts.

template - Templates governing the overall look and feel of the site. These are applied to the pages within site/ when the site is built. References to templates within site pages should be of the form template/template-file-name because the build script assumes this directory structure.

script - Scripts used to build the site.


For general discussion about the site's implementation, you can post to the infrastructure mailing list.

For a specific bug report, content suggestion, or feature request, please create an issue on GitHub. Or best of all, fork the repo, make changes to your copy, and submit pull requests. It's that easy!