
Primary LanguagePython

Examined models

Neural models

Non-neural models

  • online-LDA: LDA using online variational inference
  • online-LDA: LDA using Gibbs sampling
  • NMF: online NMF


  • Perplexity of unseen documents: All models, except LDA_gibbs and NMF
  • Perplexity of unseen/held-out words: All models, except NMF
  • Topic coherence: All models
  • Performance in document classification: All models


Short texts:

Long texts:

The datasets are preprocessed and shared here. Please download and unzip the files into the preprocessed_data folder

Script for training neural topic models:


  • train/trainer_neural_topic_model.py: for neural models
  • train/trainer_lda_topic_model.py: for LDA models
  • train/trainer_nmf_topic_model.py: for NMF models


  • evaluation/eval_neural_models.py: for neural models
  • evaluation/eval_lda_models.py: for LDA models
  • evaluation/eval_nmf_models.py: for NMF models

Running experiments:

  • empirical_studies/examine_models.py