
API Restful para el funcionamiento básico de un planeador de tareas, con arquitectura en capas, con jwt

Primary LanguageJava

Restful API Task

This is an API for the basic operation of a Task Planner:

Static Badge Static Badge Static Badge

Running the API 🚀

To run the API, you will need JDK version 17+ installed on your machine. Download it here:

First, clone the repository :

git clone https://github.com/leiberbertel/API-Restful-Task.git
cd TaskApp

Next, open your command terminal and located in the project root, execute the commands:

mvn clean package
java -jar target/nombre-de-tu-aplicacion.jar

The Spring Boot application will launch and be running on port 8080

All endpoints and schemas are documented using Swagger UI. You can view the documentation at http://localhost:8080/swagger-ui/index.html#/, which is the default endpoint for the Swagger UI.

Built with 🛠

  • Java version 21 - Language used
  • Lombok - Tertiary dependency
  • Mysql - Database Engine
  • Spring Framework - Framework used
  • Spring Data JPA - Dependency on data manipulation
  • Spring Security - Security Management Unit
  • io.jsonwebtoken - Dependency for jwt handling
  • Springdoc - Dependency on API documentation