Pinned issues
- 1
Incorrect table of contents links when page contains multiple headers with the same description
#1021 opened by nunogoncalves03 - 0
Content TODO list
#619 opened by diogotcorreia - 0
- 0
[PE] Missing content
#811 opened by Pesteves2002 - 1
Automatic contributors list
#866 opened by diogotcorreia - 1
[RC] Additional resources
#983 opened by gazev - 0
- 2
[TC] [Incorrect Content] Prova Turing Machines Unidirecionais equivalentes a Bidirecionais
#955 opened by andIsome - 2
Wrong theme icon displayed in production
#938 opened by anees-asghar - 0
- 0
Make edit button open in new tab
#908 opened by diogotcorreia - 0
[Idea] Use Mafs for math animations
#904 opened by diogotcorreia - 0
- 1
[Incorrect Content] Google drive links not working
#853 opened by guilhas07 - 0
Text on SVGs is not selectable
#851 opened by diogotcorreia - 0
Legend on images breaks color filters
#844 opened by diogotcorreia - 3
[IAED] Adicionar disclaimer na remoção de elementos em HashTables com Linear Probing
#826 opened by gazev - 0
- 0
[Incorrect Content]
#808 opened by Pesteves2002 - 1
[Incorrect Content] typo (1 palavra)
#810 opened by PedromcaMartins - 0
[FP] Revamp the page
#778 opened by randomicecube - 2
Refactor EMD course
#724 opened by rafaelsgirao - 0
Improve tables on mobile
#765 opened by diogotcorreia - 1
Add floating table of contents
#734 opened by diogotcorreia - 0
Change PNGs to SVGs where applicable
#739 opened by randomicecube - 0
Improve search bar
#718 opened by diogotcorreia - 0
Add sitemap
#675 opened by diogotcorreia - 1
[Incorrect Solution]
#711 opened by RafDevX - 1
Falta um x->next = NULL na função insertEnd
#687 opened by pereira0x - 0
Declaração errada na função node *insertEnd
#685 opened by pereira0x - 1
[Incorrect Solution] Comboio e Frigu
#681 opened by luishfonseca - 0
[Incorrect Solution] Régua suspensa
#682 opened by diogotcorreia - 0
[Incorrect Solution]
#676 opened by JoseCutileiro - 1
[Incorrect Solution]
#650 opened by JoseCutileiro - 1
[Incorrect Solution]
#649 opened by JoseCutileiro - 2
[Incorrect Solution]
#648 opened by JoseCutileiro - 0
Prettier CI check does not work correctly for branches of this repository
#642 opened by diogotcorreia - 3
[Incorrect Solution]
#626 opened by JoseCutileiro - 1
[Incorrect Solution]
#631 opened by go-ncalo - 1
[Incorrect Solution]
#636 opened by rosxz - 1
[Incorrect Solution]
#622 opened by JoseCutileiro - 1
[Incorrect Solution]
#623 opened by JoseCutileiro - 1
[Incorrect Solution]
#625 opened by JoseCutileiro - 0
Gralha de `-a(t)` no fator integrante
#620 opened by diogotcorreia - 0
Typo nos resumos de física I
#605 opened by PedromcaMartins - 0
[Incorrect Solution]
#606 opened by PedromcaMartins - 0
Center images in markdown
#572 opened by diogotcorreia - 1
[Incorrect Solution]
#566 opened by RafDevX - 1
[Incorrect Solution]
#559 opened by RafDevX - 2
[Incorrect Solution]
#569 opened by RafDevX