Italian tv EPG scrapper and ITPV list generator
This project is made by two parts:
- m3u8 list containing main italian tv channels that can be viewed with vlc or any other IPTV player
- epg list containing the replative EPG for each channel provided by the list mentioned above
The list is generated automatically and each channel link returns a m3u8 stream. Almost all channel are available from any country. Some are only accessible from Italy. To avoid thi block use a VPN located in Italy.
Link M3U:
Link JSON:
This list is generated by scraping webpages that contain the EPG for each channel and for each program.
The list is generated daily and is updated every day at midnight.
Link XML:
Link JSON:
❗️ Attention
All program times are in UTC format.
If you're using a dedicated software, you have to configure the m3uList and the epgList.
If you're using a browser, just visit
- php >= 8.1
- composer
- docker
- run
composer install
- run
./vendor/bin/sail up -d
- run
cp .env.example .env
- run
./vendor/bin/sail artisan key:generate
- run
./vendor/bin/sail artisan db:migrate
- run
./vendor/bin/sail artisan db:seed
- the app should be reachable on http://localhost:8082
- run
./vendor/bin/sail npm install
- run
./vendor/bin/sail npm run dev
- trigger scrapping jobs by
./vendor/bin/sail artisan job:dispatch ScrapChannelsContent
- execute queued works for scrapping each channel epg by
./vendor/bin/sail artisan queue:work --queue scrap-channels
- execute queued works for scrapping each program details by
./vendor/bin/sail artisan queue:work --queue scrap-program-detail