pangocffi is a CFFI-based set of Python bindings for pango.
pangocffi on its own is not that useful, since it depends on a PangoFontMap being declared against the PangoContext. PangoFontMap instances can easily be retrieved from libraries such as PangoCairo, PangoXft, PangoFT2, and PangoWin32 (See gnome's documentation 'Rendering with Pango' for a list of rendering engines).
See pangocairocffi for bindings that allow you to render pango objects with cairo.
The bindings are currently not fully implemented. Feel free to make a pull request to contribute!
See 'Overview' for information on how to install the necessary libraries.
See 'Python API Reference' for additional information on all the objects.
If you would like to contribute to this project, either by leaving feedback or submitting a pull request, please read ''.