
Alpine notification library and example for Ubuntu

Primary LanguagePerl



% [sudo] cpan Linux::Inotify2
% cd ~/git
% git clone git://github.com/adlaiff6/alpine-notify.git
% git clone git://github.com/adlaiff6/funperl.git
% cd alpine-notify
% ./alpine-notify.sh &
% cd ; alpine


A library (in lib/) for handling alpine's "new message" notifications through a FIFO, and an executable that uses this library to notify you using Ubuntu's notify-send.

Put it in your startup applications!

Oh, and you'll have to make sure your alpine config is set to use a fifo, and it points to the same thing that alpine-notify.pl points to. Default is /tmp/alpine-fifo.


You should modify alpine-notify.sh to suit your environment (namely, point the include directories to your copies of my git repositories), or, optionally, send someone to tell me how to put my code on CPAN.

If you want to see debugging info, try -D|--debug or -T|--trace.


If you start alpine-notify, then start alpine, but receive no new mail before you close alpine, and then start alpine again before restarting alpine-notify, you won't receive new notifications for that session. The technical reason for this is discussed in the code, and it is fixable, I just need to take some time to do it right.

However, as long as you receive at least one new mail in each alpine session, alpine-notify can stay running as long as you want behind all of alpine's quits and restarts.


Fix bugs. Fork me.



3-clause BSD, see code comments.