- 3
Spiderfy cluster
#80 opened by lucastavarex - 1
Hook always create new cluster
#77 opened by aspirisen - 0
Performance compared to other libraries
#78 opened by hichemfantar - 2
seems to be returning `any` from hook
#57 opened by kontango-bot - 1
- 9
Add compatibility with Supercluster v8
#60 opened by RodrigoTomeES - 1
Maximum update depth issue caused by using options inline with `map` and `reduce`
#54 opened by frednomoon - 1
How to use this with React Hooks?
#47 opened by luan-dang-techlabs - 1
Use with react-native-maps
#37 opened by mkhalifa013 - 7
useSupercluster gives back empty array when re-rendering points that have the same lat/lng values
#5 opened by davidprae - 2
Reduce option example is incorrect
#34 opened by Veldrovive - 4
- 1
unbond data with same coordinate
#30 opened by RicardoBrito1938 - 1
Help with types
#20 opened by nenadfilipovic - 1
[Question] - Leaflet test with 500k points
#19 opened by AndrejGajdos - 1
- 3
type error getClusterExpansionZoom
#10 opened by garytube - 1
- 1
Multiple markers on the same location
#13 opened by dionkas - 1
How to fit bounds when clusters points change?
#11 opened by emberist - 1
- 2
useSuperCluster hook returns empty array when data was passed in props.
#9 opened by vitaly-scentroid - 1
- 5
Content in marker
#1 opened by angelod1as