Leihs Inventory


  1. Move/upgrade from depstar to tools.build
  2. Properly setup static resouces with cache-busting; wrap-resource in leihs.inventory.server.swagger-api, see exemplary use of leihs.core.http-cache-buster2 in leihs-admin;
  3. Deliver SPA depending on accept headers, see leihs-admin
  4. Add container build test; see leihs-admin
  5. Add deploy role in this repository, madek-api-v2 for example


Start server


Start client

Install and start:


For a quicker start when already installed before:

npm run dev

Sync Locales

npx i18next-locales-sync -p de -s fr es en -l resources/public/inventory/static/locales/ --spaces 2 --useEmptyString true

Formatting Code

Clojure(Script) formatting

Use ./bin/cljfmt check and ./bin/cljfmt fix.

From vim you can use :! ./bin/cljfmt fix % to format the current file.

Ruby formatting

Use standardrb and standardrb --fix.

Production build

See ./bin/build

Create artifact & deploy manually


scp leihs-inventory.jar <user>@<server>:/leihs/inventory/leihs-inventory.jar

systemctl restart leihs-inventory.service