The ZHdK Leihs Inventory for Development, Test and Staging Hosts

This inventory is included within the leihs source code because deployment to the specified hosts and environment is part of the developlentcycle at the ZHdK Leihs Team.

The inventory for production at the ZHdK can be found here:


Our CI has predefined jobs to run a deploy. This is the straight forward and transparent way to deploy.

To deploy from localhost on tom:

HOST=tom ./bin/deploy

Secrets Encryption

Some secrets are required to deploy to the dev, staging and test environments. These are protected via

Important Commands

To list encrypted files run git ls-crypt.

To unlock the encrypted files run ./bin/unlock.

Unlocking is rarely necessary. Some cases include deployments to a ZHdK Server, or changing ZHdK Secrets.

Run ./bin/transcrypt --flush-credentials to bring the files back to their encrypted state.

Key Rollover

See for key rollover.

We store the symmetric key via gpg in the project. After a rollover:

  1. put the unencrypted key in .transcrypt_key.txt,
  2. run ./bin/encrypt-transcrypt-key,
  3. remove .transcrypt_key.txt, and
  4. commit.