Participating in the 30 days of javascript inspired by wesbos and logging my daily learning.
View the projects here
**Day 1: Javascript Drumkit Learnt about the transitionend event, audio.currentTime and data-keys while building a javascript drumkit
**Day 2: JS+CSS clock Learnt about CSS trasition and transform properties The setInteval function in javascript and all about date object building a js+css clock
**Day 3: CSS Variables and JS Learnt about the :root selector and how to declare css variables using -- e.g :root{ --spacing: 10px; } to use the variable img{ padding: var(--spacing); } Also learnt about css filter property, NodeList versus Array and all about javascript dataset
**Day 4: Array cardio day 1
The task today was done solely in the javascript console to learn about some javascript methods i learnt about **console.table() , Array.filter() , , Array.sort() , Array.reduce() ** The console.table() shows the output on the console in a table format Array.prototype.filter() creates a new array with all the elements that pass the test provided in the functon given, it"s another way to return a value instead of an if statement returning true
Array.prototype.sort() sorts the elements of an array in place and returns the array, the default sort order is ascending string. Sort() also accepts the specific function that defines the sort order
i also practiced array.reduce() and