
Sampled Softmax Implementation for PyTorch

Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT


Lei Mao

University of Chicago


Sampled softmax is a softmax alternative to the full softmax used in language modeling when the corpus is large. Google TensorFlow has a version of sampled softmax which could be easily employed by the users. In contrast, Facebook PyTorch does not provide any softmax alternatives at all.

Ryan Spring has implemented a sampled softmax using PyTorch but his sampling approach was based on C++ codes. Compling his C++ codes sometimes raises problems and running his C++ backended sampled softmax sometimes reports error in some machines. Based on his code, I implemented a similar sampled softmax but the sampling approach was coded in Python using Numpy. I found that at least for the Zipf distribution (also called Log-Uniform distribution) used for sampled softmax, the sampling is quite efficient using Numpy.


Python 3.5

PyTorch 0.3



The sampled softmax class, sampling functions, and other helper classes and functions are all coded in utils.py file. I also modifed Facebook Word-level language modeling RNN for the implementation test.

├── data
│   └── ptb
│       ├── test.txt
│       ├── train.txt
│       └── valid.txt
├── data.py
├── generated.txt
├── generate.py
├── LICENSE.md
├── main.py
├── model.pt
├── model.py
├── README.md
└── utils.py


I added several options to the Word-level language modeling RNN api. But some of the options, such as tied, might not be valid any more due to the modification in the code. I will fix these in the future if I get time.

optional arguments:
  -h, --help             show this help message and exit
  --data DATA            location of the data corpus
  --model MODEL          type of recurrent net (RNN_TANH, RNN_RELU, LSTM, GRU)
  --emsize EMSIZE        size of word embeddings
  --nhid NHID            number of hidden units per layer
  --nlayers NLAYERS      number of layers
  --lr LR                initial learning rate
  --clip CLIP            gradient clipping
  --epochs EPOCHS        upper epoch limit
  --batch-size N         batch size
  --bptt BPTT            sequence length
  --dropout DROPOUT      dropout applied to layers (0 = no dropout)
  --decay DECAY          learning rate decay per epoch
  --tied                 tie the word embedding and softmax weights
  --seed SEED            random seed
  --log-interval N       report interval
  --save SAVE            path to save the final model
  --softmax_nsampled N   number of random sample generated for sampled softmax

To train a language model using sampled softmax:

python main.py --softmax_nsampled 200 --model GRU --lr 0.1 --nhid 200 --bptt 10 --batch_size 64

Training performance:

| epoch   1 |   200/ 1452 batches | lr 0.10 | ms/batch 215.45 | loss 11.36 | perplexity 85596.94
| epoch   1 |   400/ 1452 batches | lr 0.10 | ms/batch 162.75 | loss  5.75 | perplexity   312.90
| epoch   1 |   600/ 1452 batches | lr 0.10 | ms/batch 128.38 | loss  4.38 | perplexity    79.69
| epoch   1 |   800/ 1452 batches | lr 0.10 | ms/batch 113.95 | loss  4.21 | perplexity    67.08
| epoch   1 |  1000/ 1452 batches | lr 0.10 | ms/batch 107.85 | loss  4.11 | perplexity    61.21
| epoch   1 |  1200/ 1452 batches | lr 0.10 | ms/batch 106.52 | loss  4.02 | perplexity    55.87
| epoch   1 |  1400/ 1452 batches | lr 0.10 | ms/batch 103.48 | loss  3.99 | perplexity    54.20
| end of epoch   1 | time: 201.94s | valid loss  5.33 | valid perplexity   205.78
| epoch   2 |   200/ 1452 batches | lr 0.10 | ms/batch 105.83 | loss  3.93 | perplexity    51.16
| epoch   2 |   400/ 1452 batches | lr 0.10 | ms/batch 106.76 | loss  3.84 | perplexity    46.71
| epoch   2 |   600/ 1452 batches | lr 0.10 | ms/batch 104.03 | loss  3.69 | perplexity    40.09
| epoch   2 |   800/ 1452 batches | lr 0.10 | ms/batch 103.06 | loss  3.69 | perplexity    40.11
| epoch   2 |  1000/ 1452 batches | lr 0.10 | ms/batch 104.36 | loss  3.69 | perplexity    40.08
| epoch   2 |  1200/ 1452 batches | lr 0.10 | ms/batch 105.92 | loss  3.67 | perplexity    39.34
| epoch   2 |  1400/ 1452 batches | lr 0.10 | ms/batch 117.72 | loss  3.69 | perplexity    40.05
| end of epoch   2 | time: 163.68s | valid loss  5.07 | valid perplexity   159.08
| epoch   3 |   200/ 1452 batches | lr 0.10 | ms/batch 105.11 | loss  3.67 | perplexity    39.18
| epoch   3 |   400/ 1452 batches | lr 0.10 | ms/batch 104.26 | loss  3.61 | perplexity    37.00
| epoch   3 |   600/ 1452 batches | lr 0.10 | ms/batch 104.11 | loss  3.51 | perplexity    33.37
| epoch   3 |   800/ 1452 batches | lr 0.10 | ms/batch 103.97 | loss  3.53 | perplexity    34.17
| epoch   3 |  1000/ 1452 batches | lr 0.10 | ms/batch 102.62 | loss  3.55 | perplexity    34.67
| epoch   3 |  1200/ 1452 batches | lr 0.10 | ms/batch 101.57 | loss  3.53 | perplexity    34.05
| epoch   3 |  1400/ 1452 batches | lr 0.10 | ms/batch 102.73 | loss  3.56 | perplexity    35.11
| end of epoch   3 | time: 158.75s | valid loss  5.02 | valid perplexity   150.88
| epoch   4 |   200/ 1452 batches | lr 0.10 | ms/batch 103.41 | loss  3.54 | perplexity    34.42
| epoch   4 |   400/ 1452 batches | lr 0.10 | ms/batch 102.23 | loss  3.51 | perplexity    33.29
| epoch   4 |   600/ 1452 batches | lr 0.10 | ms/batch 102.46 | loss  3.41 | perplexity    30.38
| epoch   4 |   800/ 1452 batches | lr 0.10 | ms/batch 102.75 | loss  3.44 | perplexity    31.09
| epoch   4 |  1000/ 1452 batches | lr 0.10 | ms/batch 102.27 | loss  3.46 | perplexity    31.67
| epoch   4 |  1200/ 1452 batches | lr 0.10 | ms/batch 102.10 | loss  3.44 | perplexity    31.31
| epoch   4 |  1400/ 1452 batches | lr 0.10 | ms/batch 102.45 | loss  3.48 | perplexity    32.52
| end of epoch   4 | time: 157.85s | valid loss  4.94 | valid perplexity   139.76
| epoch   5 |   200/ 1452 batches | lr 0.10 | ms/batch 105.09 | loss  3.46 | perplexity    31.77
| epoch   5 |   400/ 1452 batches | lr 0.10 | ms/batch 104.63 | loss  3.43 | perplexity    30.96
| epoch   5 |   600/ 1452 batches | lr 0.10 | ms/batch 104.42 | loss  3.35 | perplexity    28.42
| epoch   5 |   800/ 1452 batches | lr 0.10 | ms/batch 105.70 | loss  3.37 | perplexity    29.05
| epoch   5 |  1000/ 1452 batches | lr 0.10 | ms/batch 103.80 | loss  3.39 | perplexity    29.59
| epoch   5 |  1200/ 1452 batches | lr 0.10 | ms/batch 105.68 | loss  3.39 | perplexity    29.67
| epoch   5 |  1400/ 1452 batches | lr 0.10 | ms/batch 104.77 | loss  3.42 | perplexity    30.62
| end of epoch   5 | time: 160.68s | valid loss  4.93 | valid perplexity   137.73
| End of training | test loss  4.92 | test perplexity   136.84

To generate a sample essay:

python generate.py

Generated sample essay:

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inquiry sharply in N of its spending bill indicating secretary carlos nixon told him that mr. bush would have there
are an issue <eos> mr. coleman head italy dan jamie meanwhile did n't vote after relevant trading on dusty dissent
said evans d. r. calif. attorney for abortion secretary runkel opponents argued that it has been reached for corp <eos>


Weight tying for sampled softmax has not been implemented yet.