
Scheme based powerful lisp language in JavaScript

Primary LanguageJavaScriptMIT LicenseMIT

LIPS - Scheme Based Powerful Lisp Language

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LIPS is a powerful Scheme-based, Lisp language written in JavaScript. It is based on the Scheme dialect and the R5RS/R7RS specifications. It has extensions to make it easier to interact with JavaScript. It work both in the browser and with Node.js.

The name is a recursive acronym which stands for LIPS Is Pretty Simple.



1.0 Beta demo


  • Compatible with Scheme specification (R5RS and R7RS)
  • Allows the definition of a new syntax, using parser extensions.
  • Allows the creation of new data types, that fit nicely into reader and writer.
  • Introspection and modification of function code at runtime.
  • Syntax highlighting in NPM-installed binaries and in the browser-based REPL.
  • Built-in auto formatting (pretty printing) of code.
  • Lips macros, Scheme hygienic macros with syntax-rules and macroexpand.
  • Auto unwrapping of JavaScript promises.
  • Almost no dependencies.
  • Built-in help system in the REPL (functions and macros have doc strings).
  • Literal Regular Expressions.

Integration with JavaScript

  • JavaScript-like doted notation.
  • Object literals with &(:foo 10) (created using parser extensions),
  • Direct access to JavaScript methods, functions and properties.
  • Access to internal implementation details.
  • Creation of new JavaScript classes.
  • Modification of object prototypes.


To install you can use npm (or yarn):

npm install @jcubic/lips

or yarn:

yarn add @jcubic/lips

To install 1.0.0 beta version use:

npm install @jcubic/lips@beta

then include the file in the script tag. You can grab the version from unpkg.com


or from jsdelivery


and beta version


Bookmarklet REPL

You can also run the REPL on any page while you learn Scheme using the bookmarklet:


Create any link in your bookmarks, edit it and copy paste the content of that file. Affter you click on the link it will create the REPL at the bottom of the page. (NOTE: It may not work on every page because of content security policy; e.g. google.com or gihub.com)

If you have trouble with creating the bookmarklet you can open LISP Scheme home page where you can find a link that you can drag to your bookmarks.


The simplest way is to include the lips code in the script tag:

<script type="text/x-scheme">
(let ((what "world")
      (greet "hello"))
   (display (string-append "hello" " " what)))

or use the src attribute:

<script type="text/x-scheme" src="example.scm"></script>

Running programmatically:

var {exec} = require('@jcubic/lips'); // node
// or
var {exec} = lips; // browser

exec(string).then(function(results) {
     results.forEach(function(result) {

More documentation in Getting Started Guide and in docs page.

Standalone executable

If you install lips globally with:

npm install -g @jcubic/lips

you can run the interpreter from the terminal:

LIPS: Scheme interactive terminal

You can also run code in a string with:

lips -c '(let ((what "World")) (display (string-append "Hello " what)))'

and you can run a file using:

cat > foo.scm <<EOF
(let ((what "World"))
  (display (string-append "Hello " what))

lips foo.scm

You can also write executable files that use lips using shebang (SRFI-22)

cat foo.scm
#!/usr/bin/env lips

(let ((what "World"))
  (display (string-append "Hello " what))

chmod a+x foo.scm

Executables also return a S-Expression according to SRFI-176 use lips --version or lips -V.



Released under MIT license
Copyright (c) 2018-2020 Jakub T. Jankiewicz