Script meant to download Office 365 Endpoint List (, WebEx Feed (wsa-csv format and/or other sources and build a PAC File i.e. to go directly or special proxy configuration...
Additionally defined "static" entries are configurable (internal Domains, IP Scopes and so on, have a look at params.json_example)
more informations and integrations to come...
Following modules are used:
uuid, requests, json, argparse, logging, ipaddress, os, datetime
- clone repository
- create a params.json (copy example/template file and edit it on your needs)
command line: python ./ -o "destinationfilename" (if -o not given, script will generate a name with timestamp)
- Argument '-v' (to come - add verbosity of output)
- create an example/template file for own json
- add function to use this
- error handling and reporting (i.e. Mail or send syslog ..)