
CLI like phpipam client for showing networks / vlans and so on, edit/create objects might follow

Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT


license language

CLI like phpipam client for showing networks, vlans and sections.


URL of phpipam (ie 'http://phpipam.asd.fg') and AppID defined in API Settings will have to be set in the script.
Authentication can then either be as a dialogue (user will be asked) or can be set up in the script too. The dialogue supports User&Pass and "AppCode" for authentication. To use an Appcode, leave the username blank.

Python Modules

following Python modules are used

  • urllib3
  • argparse
  • logging
  • requests
  • ipaddress
  • json
  • getpass

Custom Fields

Custom fields can be added to output too (will add an example in extra file)

Usage Examples

python3 phpipamclient.py show network
python3 phpipamclient.py show section lab
python3 phpipamclient.py show vlan 10

currently implemented commands and functionalities:

  • show
    • network
      Example: show network
      show network custom (shows custom fields for subnets)
    • vlan Example: show vlan 1929
    • ip
      Example: show ip
      show ip all (use careful!)
    • section
      Example: show section 1
      show section LAB
    • nameservers
      Example: show nameservers (shows all)
      show nameservers 1 (id, can be obtained by "show nameservers")
    • custom
  • search
    • host Example search host fw.asd.fg
  • set
    • set network (id or cidr subnet) nameservers (id)
    • set network (id or cidr subnet) type (type-value) (example custom field for categorizing network object)



(if no Auth information are defined in script file, you will be asked for User /Password. For App Code authentication leave the user blank and enter the code as password)

Possible too: Setting URL, AppID, App Code as argument: python3 phpipamclient.py --verbose --appid pyipamclient --key fcvg32jr3b4rfr43frfrgdgdfg --url http://phpipam.asd.fg show network

If found, output:

Network found, details below:


    Description:        servers
    Nameservers:        ns_servers {}
    Master Subnet:      master
    VLan (VLan Name):   10 (192.168.10/servers)
    L2 Domain:          L2Domain
    Link:               http://phpipam.asd.fg/subnets/5/7

Section(s) found, details below:
Section Name:       LAB
Description:        None
Master Section:     My_Own_Sections
Section DNS:        None
Last Change:        None
Subnets:            1
Link:               http://phpipam.asd.fg/subnets/5

VLAN(s) found, details below:
    Section:            LAB
    Customer:           None
    Vlan ID:            3
    L2 Domain:          L2Domain
    Name:               192.168.10/servers
    Description:        None
    linked subnet:      
                Description:    servers
                Link:           http://phpipam.asd.fg/subnets/5/7
    Link:               http://phpipam.asd.fg/vlan/3

Coming up

  • vlan /network creation
  • more examples for custom fields