
monassey is a TypeScript toolkit designed to enhance application robustness with functional programming. It values type safety, composability, and efficiency in async patterns, and streamlines code for clarity and reliability.

Primary LanguageTypeScriptOtherNOASSERTION

CI/CD semantic-release: angular npm version


The monadyssey library is a powerful TypeScript toolkit designed to enhance the development of robust applications by introducing a series of advanced data structures and control flow mechanisms. With its roots in functional programming principles, monadyssey aims to solve common challenges in application development, particularly around list handling, asynchronous operations, and error management.

Functional Programming at its Core

At the heart of monadyssey lies the embrace of functional programming paradigms. By leveraging pure functions, immutability, and advanced type constructs, the library offers a way to write clearer, more predictable code. It abstracts away common boilerplate for asynchronous operations and error handling, allowing developers to focus on business logic rather than control flow intricacies.

Key Components

  • Non-Empty Lists: Recognizing the common pitfall of empty list handling, monadyssey introduces the NonEmptyList type. This guarantees at compile-time that a list contains at least one element, eliminating a class of runtime errors and simplifying list operations by removing the need to check for list emptiness.
  • Retryable Asynchronous Operations: Asynchronous operations are a cornerstone of modern application development, but they often require complex retry logic to handle transient failures gracefully. monadyssey provides a Schedule class, paired with a Policy configuration, to declaratively manage retries, delays, and timeouts, making operations more resilient.
  • Comprehensive Error Handling: With the IO data type, monadyssey wraps asynchronous effects in a structure that explicitly models both success and failure. This approach encourages rigorous error handling, ensuring that errors are not overlooked and can be transformed or recovered from in a structured manner.


  • Type Safety: By leveraging TypeScript's advanced type system, monadyssey helps catch errors at compile-time, reducing the risk of runtime exceptions and ensuring code adheres to specified behaviors.
  • Composability: The library's use of monads and other functional constructs enables the composition of operations in a clear and logical manner. This composability extends to error handling and retry logic, allowing complex behaviors to be built from simpler, understandable pieces.
  • Simplification of Async/Await Patterns: While async/await syntax has made asynchronous code more readable, managing retries, parallel executions, and error handling can still lead to complex code. monadyssey simplifies these patterns, offering a higher-level abstraction that maintains readability and reduces boilerplate.

Core Components


A generic class representing a list that contains at least one element. It is constructed with a head (the first element) and a tail (an array of zero or more elements).


  • size: Returns the total number of elements in the list.
  • all: Retrieves all elements of the list as an array.
  • get(index: number): Retrieves an element at a specified index.
  • fromArray(value: A[]): Creates a new NonEmptyList from an array.
  • filter(f): Filters elements based on a predicate function.
  • map(f): Applies a function to each element, creating a new NonEmptyList.
  • flatMap(f): Applies a function returning NonEmptyList to each element, flattening the result.
  • traverse(f): Applies an asynchronous function to each element, awaiting all promises.
  • foldLeft, foldRight: Reduces the elements to a single value using an accumulator function.


An interface defining the configuration for retry policies, used in conjunction with Schedule to manage retries for asynchronous operations.


A class that implements retry logic for IO operations based on a defined Policy. It supports retrying operations based on a condition, repeating operations, and applying timeouts.


  • retryIf(f, condition, liftE): Retries an IO operation based on a condition.
  • repeat(f, liftE): Repeats an IO operation according to the policy.
  • withTimeout(f, liftE): Applies a timeout to an IO operation.

Error types: Custom error classes are provided to represent various error conditions, including PolicyValidationError, TimeoutError, RetryError, and RepeatError.

IO<E, A>

A class representing an encapsulated asynchronous operation (effect) that may result in a success (Ok<A>) or an error (Err<E>).

Factory Methods:

  • of(f): Creates an IO instance from an asynchronous function.
  • ofSync(f): Wraps a synchronous function within IO.
  • ok(value), err(error): Creates instances of Ok and Err, respectively.

Instance Methods:

  • map(f), mapError(f), flatMap(f): Transform the success value or error, or chain another IO operation.
  • recover(f): Attempts to recover from an error by applying a provided function.
  • runAsync(): Executes the encapsulated asynchronous effect.

Utility Methods:

  • zip2(f1, f2), zip3(f1, f2, f3): Combines multiple IO operations into a single operation, executing them in parallel.


This library is designed to be used in TypeScript applications where functional programming patterns are preferred for managing asynchronous operations, ensuring safety from empty lists, and handling errors in a structured way.


To see specific examples of how to use each component, please refer to the method descriptions and comments within the source code.