
Primary LanguageSwift

user:aleish (Leishman, Alexander)

Design Documentation:

- UICollectionView (Postcard list)
- UIPickerView (Photo Filter)
- UIToolbar (For keyboards)
- UITextField (For)
- Contacts (For retreiving postcard address)
- CoreData (For managing address and postcard storage)
- FileSystem (For storing images and tracking storing their path in core data)
- UIScrollView (For cropping images)
- Animations (Flipping a Postcard preview after creating a postcard)
- Gestures (For both starting animations and moving text field on front of postcard)
- Segue API
- Alerts (Created alert code shared throughout app)
- UIView programmatically built and modified them, going beyond what was done in class
- ApplePay (got some basics working, but Apple has frozen part of my dev account and I cannot get a merchant cert)

- UIImage View, used this much more extensively than in class

- Contacts API (Retreiving and formatting contact information from phone, also asking for user's permission to access contacts)
- Core Image

- CoreImage and overall image manipulation/storage including filters, cropping, etc.