
A Custom Neovim Config Like LazyVim

Primary LanguageLuaApache License 2.0Apache-2.0


Last commit License Issues Repo Size

一个仿造 LazyVim 的个人用 Neovim 配置

A Custom Neovim Config Like LazyVim

⚡️ Requirements

  • Neovim >= 0.9.0 (needs to be built with LuaJIT)
  • Nerd Font
  • fzf (for fuzzy search)
  • fd (for fuzzy search)
  • ripgrep (for fuzzy search)
  • git >= 2.19.0 (for partial clones support)
  • sqlite
  • lazygit
  • npm (for install lsp)
  • im-select (if you use macOS or windows)
  • lua (for install lsp option)
  • luarocks (for install lsp option)
  • go (for install lsp option)

🚀 Getting Started

可以直接使用 LazyVim 的 starter 或者参考我的 Neovim 启动配置文件在这。这两是一样的。
you can just use LazyVim's starter or you can refer to my Neovim start config file here. they are the same.

或者你也可以先用 docker 试试。
or you can use docker to try first.

docker run -w /root -it --rm alpine:edge /bin/sh -c 'apk update && apk add --no-cache curl wget git ripgrep fd fzf nodejs npm neovim neovim-doc sqlite sqlite-dev lazygit go build-base --update && mkdir -p ~/.config/nvim/ && curl -o ~/.config/nvim/init.lua https://raw.githubusercontent.com/leisurelicht/.licht-config/master/vi/nvim/lua/develop/try.lua ; bash'

如果你无法访问raw.githubusercontent.com,你可以使用GitHub520项目里raw.githubusercontent.comhost ip替换下面命令中的host ip,然后再重试,就能正常访问了。

docker run -w /root -it --rm alpine:edge /bin/sh -c 'echo " raw.githubusercontent.com" >> /etc/hosts && apk update && apk add --no-cache curl wget git ripgrep fd fzf nodejs npm neovim neovim-doc sqlite sqlite-dev lazygit go build-base --update && mkdir -p ~/.config/nvim/ && curl -o ~/.config/nvim/init.lua https://raw.githubusercontent.com/leisurelicht/.licht-config/master/vi/nvim/lua/develop/try.lua ; bash'

Thanks Too