
UI for agent technologies

Primary LanguageJavaScript

Configuring Proxy Server

Edit the proxy/proxy-server.conf (there is a sample to copy from in proxy-server) file to reflect the full path to the protocol end point on gloseval. If it doesn't exist there is a sample at proxy/proxy-server.conf.sample For example


The proxy server does NOT need to be restarted to pick up changes to this file.

Run Instructions

You must have done the configure step before running the proxy server.

Using a proper bash shell run the run-proxy.sh shell script. It will download a prebuild of the latest proxy jar (if it isn't there already), setup the symlink between the client project and the proxy project (if it isn't there already) and then run it all. You need to be in the project root of the git clone in order for it to work, no relative paths allowed.

Oh and once that looks like it's running you can load the client via (note you will want to configure the proxy server to point to the gloseval you want to use)


Caveat 1: this doesn't work under windows (even with cygwin). You need to create a symlink so that proxy/src/main/webapp/client --> client you can do this manually on windows with mklink. For example on Raph's ahem windwos system the following command did the trick (where https://github.com/iruffner/agentui is cloned to c:\code\agentui)

mklink /D c:\code\agentui\proxy\src\main\webapp\client c:\code\agentui\client

Build Instructions

Step 1) Download and install HaXe 3 (it is fairly benign install and installs HaXe)

Step 2) make sure haxe is available from the command line % haxe
Haxe Compiler 3.0.0 - (C)2005-2013 Haxe Foundation Usage : haxe.exe -main [-swf|-js|-neko|-php|-cpp|-as3] [options] Options : -cp : add a directory to find source files -js : compile code to JavaScript file -swf : compile code to Flash SWF file -as3 : generate AS3 code into target directory -neko : compile code to Neko Binary -php : generate PHP code into target directory -cpp : generate C++ code into target directory -cs : generate C# code into target directory -java : generate Java code into target directory -xml : generate XML types description -main : select startup class -lib <library[:version]> : use a haxelib library -D : define a conditional compilation flag -v : turn on verbose mode -debug : add debug information to the compiled code -help Display this list of options --help Display this list of options

Step 3) goto your checkout/clone of the agentui code. For me that is cd ~/code/agentui From there go into the client directory cd client Note that a checkout of Emeris' haxe common (https://github.com/iruffner/haxe.git) will be needed as well, with a symlink from [agentui]client/haxe_src/m3 -> [haxe]/m3

Step 4) build it haxe build.hxml (here is my output)

% haxe build.hxml
haxe_src/ui/widget/LabelTree.hx:20: lines 20-69 : Warning : Warning : maybe loop in static generation of ui.widget.LabelTree

and then the pudding

% ls -alp js/AgentUi.js
-rw-r--r-- 1 glen staff 247340 Mar 16 08:45 js/AgentUi.js

Things to note...

  • Currently the client folder is the actual docroot so you can copy that to a web server and point your browser to agentui.html and have a running client
  • Where can we share tidbits like this, do we have a wiki or a mailing list?
  • If the build fails the js/AgentUi.js is deleted. So after running the build the existence of js/AgentUi.js is the best inidicator of success|failure
  • We currently have people building and developing using HaXe on windows, max osx and linux.
  • I think everyone's favorite dev environment is sublime http://www.sublimetext.com/
  • We do have a unit test framework with unit tests on many of these components, it is just in another set of projects (and there is more plumbing since we run our unit tests in a browser over http, we have just found it better to test as close to the metal as possible)