
Plugin for phplist 3.x to spam-check subscribe email addresses

Primary LanguagePHP

Botbouncer Plugin


The plugin checks subscription emails for spam using the Botbouncer class https://github.com/michield/botbouncer. It currently uses only the Stop Forum Spam service to check email addresses, as that can be used without registering. The other services supported by Botbouncer (Akismet, Project Honeypot, and Mollom) could be added if Stop Forum Spam proves not to be sufficient.

If you have already installed the CAPTCHA plugin then you do not need this plugin because that plugin already includes this functionality.



Requires php version 5.2 or later.

Set the plugin directory

You can use a directory outside of the web root by changing the definition of PLUGIN_ROOTDIR in config.php. The benefit of this is that plugins will not be affected when you upgrade phplist.

Install through phplist

Install on the Plugins page (menu Config > Plugins) using the package URL https://github.com/bramley/phplist-plugin-botbouncer/archive/master.zip.

In phplist releases 3.0.5 and earlier there is a bug that can cause a plugin to be incompletely installed on some configurations (https://mantis.phplist.com/view.php?id=16865). Check that these files are in the plugin directory. If not then you will need to install manually. The bug has been fixed in release 3.0.6.

  • the file BotBouncerPlugin.php
  • the directory BotBouncerPlugin

Install manually

Download the plugin zip file from https://github.com/bramley/phplist-plugin-botbouncer/archive/master.zip

Expand the zip file, then copy the contents of the plugins directory to your phplist plugins directory. This should contain

  • the file BotBouncerPlugin.php
  • the directory BotBouncerPlugin


On the Settings page you can specify:

  • The message to be displayed to the subscriber when the subscription attempt is rejected
  • Whether to write a record to the event log for each failed subscription attempt
  • Whether to send an email to the admin for each failed subscription attempt

Test that it works

Go to Stop Forum Spam and select an email address from the Last 500 entries. Then try to subscribe to your lists using that email address.

Version history

version        Description
2.0.4+20200512 Update link to Stop Forum Spam
2.0.3+20200512 Belatedly update the botbouncer class
2.0.2+20200512 Allow plugin to be enabled only when captcha plugin is not enabled
2.0.1+20161014 Added dependencies
2013-11-03     Initial version for phplist 3