
Easy but scalable role manager for laravel 4.1

Primary LanguagePHP

Easy but scalable role manager for laravel 4.1

This package makes it very easy to add role capabilities to laravel 4.1 It uses routes as access points. That means that all routes are synced to a persisant storage(default: database) and then routes connect to different roles that can be connected to users etc. This package does not handle any controllers/logic for creating or maintaining roles and users. But it comes with two eloquent models used for persisant storage(Role and Route) that you can connect to your user model. The logic that handles queries uses the database/query builder.

The package integrates with laravel auth right out of the box.


Begin by installing this package through Composer. Edit your project's composer.json file to require leitom/role

"require": {
	"laravel/framework": "4.1.*",
	"leitom/role": "1.0.*@dev"
"minimum-stability": "dev"

Next, update composer from the Terminal: composer update

Once this operation completes, the final step is to add the service provider. Open app/config/app.php, and add a new item to the provider array. 'Leitom\Role\RoleServiceProvider'


Migrations and Configs

The package provides an artisan command for doing all this by it's self just type php artisan role:install NB: This package is a work in progress, if you find problems with using the installer use the file located in src/migrations/structure.mysql to get the table structure.

Or you can check out: http://laravel.com/docs/packages on how to publish the packages migrations and config files.


Generate a seed file to populate the super admin role with id 1, it will lokk something like this:

class RolesTableSeeder extends Seeder
	public function run()
		$role = new Leitom\Role\Eloquent\Role;
		$role->name = 'Super admin';
		$role->description = 'A super admin has access to all routes';

Add filter

Add the filter with the name from config role.control.identifier to your route/group

Integrating with your eloquent auth model

Add the following line to your auth model default it's: app/models/User.php

public function roles()
	return $this->belongsToMany('Leitom\Role\Eloquent\Role', 'user_role');


Sync routes

The package comes with an artisan command for automatic syncing the routes to persisant storage it also comes with an option in config super.admin.sync for syncing all new routes to an super admin role identified by option super.admin.id in config.

Run the following command each time you add a new route to your application: php artisan routes:sync this will update all routes to the db table and clear the laravel cache.

Access check functions

Check if the current logged in user has access to a url Role::hasUrlAccess($method, $url, $host = '')

Check if the current logged in user has access to a route Role::hasRouteAccess($method, $route, $host = '')

Check if the current logged in user has access to a action hasActionAccess($method, $action, $host = '')

Access level

In your views you can use Role::accessLevel() to check for additional access level. That means if the user have access to the current route/uri but to see a part of the page the access level have to be larger than 4:

if (Role::accessLevel() > 4) {
	echo "Level 5 acceess granted.";

Laravel extensions

The package have extended the HtmlBuilder and the FormBuilder. This allows us to check for role access on forms and when generating links.

When using HTML::linkRoute() then the package check's if the current logged in user have access to the route if not the link dont show. same for HTML::linkAction() The package includes an function HTML::roleCheckLink() wich are the same as HTML::link() except that the third parameter accepts an array of parameters like HTML::linkRoute() and HTML::linkAction() does.