
Tweaks for build.prop configuration

Apache License 2.0Apache-2.0


Tweaks for build.prop configuration

Getting Started

These instructions will get you a pull of the build.prop file up and ready to edit on your local machine for development and testing purposes. After that you are able to push back and see changes.


When I was writing I am able to test theese edits in a Custom ROM based on MIUI Global stable running Android 8.1 over a Xiaomi Redmi 5 (rosy) in Windows 10 Pro machine, somethings could change from mine to yours device.

So you have to take care about your infos and backup things!

We are looking for a great configuration to set up a smooth device as possible, (I'm looking) so do it at your own risk. Is also possible that theese configurations can not override the kernel ones, so does not works at all (I'm trying).


We only need platform tools from Android Google suite (not required to download the entire Android studio (thanks!), Google update theese things so the setup is much easier right now).

Of course we need at least a ROOT ACCESS on device or you will not able to write this confiuration file.

Visit https://developer.android.com/studio/releases/platform-tools for more informations

Getting the informations

We are ready to pull build.prop. This file will be saved onto the current adb.exe folder.

adb pull /system/build.prop .

If you want to save the file in a specific path replace . with <path\to\save> in your machine.

Break down into file

Let's start to edit and follow this style so is more easy to help each others reading and maintaining the configuration file.

# category_name

Knew it you can add this build.prop at the end of your build.prop file.

Uploading the result

Upload back the edited file

adb push <path\to\your\file> /system/build.prop

and set right permission or system overwrite changes

adb shell
chmod 644 /system/build.prop

And you're done Reboot your phone and see the changes


If you want to deploy this one, link to https://github.com/mazinthebox/improved-build.prop

Built With

  • npp++ - The editor used
  • adb - From the platform tools



This project is licensed under the Apache License 2.0 - see the LICENSE.md file for details