
Implementation of Deep Deterministic Policy Gradients using TensorFlow, compatible with the OpenAI Gym

Primary LanguagePython

Deep Deterministic Policy Gradient

Paper: "Continuous control with deep reinforcement learning" - TP Lillicrap, JJ Hunt et al., 2015


Install Gym and TensorFlow. Then:

pip install pyglet # required for gym rendering
pip install jupyter # required only for visualization (see below)

git clone https://github.com/SimonRamstedt/ddpg.git # get ddpg



python run.py --outdir ../ddpg-results/experiment1 --env InvertedDoublePendulum-v1

Enter python run.py -h to get a complete overview.

If you want to run in the cloud or a university cluster this might contain additional information.



python dashboard.py --exdir ../ddpg-results

Enter python dashboard.py -h to get a complete overview.

Known issues

  • No batch normalization yet
  • No conv nets yet (i.e. only learning from low dimensional states)
  • No proper seeding for reproducibilty

Please write me or open a github issue if you encounter problems! Contributions are welcome!

Improvements beyond the original paper

  • Output normalization – the main reason for divergence are variations in return scales. Output normalization would probably solve this.
  • Prioritized experience replay – faster learning, better performance especially with sparse rewards – Please write if you have/know of an implementation!