Msafe Wallet Adaptor

Msafe Wallet Adaptor is used to integrate the browser plug-in wallet into msafe.
It includes two packages: msafe-wallet-adaptor and wallet-tester.

msafe-wallet-adaptor contains adapters for wallets, wallet-tester is a demo frontend to test these adapters.




Implement new wallet class

To integrate a new browser plug-in wallet into msafe, you should:

  1. cd into 'msafe-wallet-adaptor' directory: cd packages/msafe-wallet-adaptor
  2. create a new wallet class in src/adaptors/${WalletNmae}Account.ts and implements WebAccount interface.
  3. add the new wallet into connector: src/adaptors/Connector.ts
  4. build the package: yarn build

For more detail, check msafe-wallet-adaptor.

Test the new wallet in demo front-end

  1. cd into 'wallet-tester': cd packages/wallet-tester
  2. start the front-end: yarn start
  3. switch network of wallet to mainnet.
  4. in the front-end page, click the button with the name of the new wallet to connect to the wallet. check if the address and public key is expected.
  5. click button sign transaction. if the error is 'success', then the wallet is passed our test, otherwise you should check the error and fix it.