
This assignment focuses on implementing the SON Algorithm using the Spark Framework to identify frequent itemsets within large datasets.

Primary LanguagePython

SON Algorithm Implementation with Spark


This assignment contains the implementation of the SON Algorithm using the Spark Framework, aimed at finding frequent itemsets within large datasets. The project is structured around two main tasks: analyzing a simulated dataset and a real-world dataset, specifically the Ta Feng dataset, to uncover patterns of frequent itemsets. It showcases the application of distributed computing techniques to efficiently process and analyze data at scale in a Spark environment. The code strictly adheres to Python's standard libraries, emphasizing the core functionality of Spark RDDs to understand and leverage Spark operations for big data analysis.


There are one simulated dataset and one real-world dataset, starting with task1 on the simulated CSV file provided, then moving to task2 with the Ta Feng dataset to simulate similar data structures.

Task 1: Simulated Data

Analyze two CSV files (small1.csv and small2.csv) for frequent itemsets, focusing on businesses and users as singletons, pairs, triples, etc., based on a given support threshold.

Task 2: Ta Feng Data

Utilize the Ta Feng dataset to explore frequent itemsets, focusing on product IDs associated with customer IDs, aggregating daily purchases into single transactions.