- 2
Type cast error when using FactoryConverter
#631 opened by TheLastFlame - 7
Wrong generated code with classes of the same name
#632 opened by alvi-se - 6
Why choose it ofer retrofit?
#633 opened by adrianvintu - 2
ResponseConverterInterceptor overrides null body
#622 opened by flodaniel - 1
api generation with multiple flavours: 'class-modifiers' language feature to be enabled
#605 opened by morofir - 2
timeout for specific request
#603 opened by vladRudenua23 - 6
- 1
Classes not being generated with class-modifiers
#575 opened by JosephNK - 2
flutter pub run build_runner build returns error when http method is added to the service class
#561 opened by Briandosha - 0
Improve interceptor structure/base structure
#544 opened by Guldem - 18
- 4
- 0
[Feature Request] Add @FormUrlEncoded
#577 opened by lwj1994 - 1
Timeout not work on IOS
#573 opened by golfscg - 7
[Feature request] Custom error generic type please?
#429 opened by urusai88 - 4
Customize the part directive to support generating files into `.g.dart` instead of `.chopper.dart`
#560 opened by sbordeyne - 3
chopper_generator 7.0.7 is broken
#546 opened by Dimous - 5
- 1
StatusCode 204 is not handeled correctly
#537 opened by DarkHeros09 - 2
Why method annotation are immutable?
#536 opened by KeidsID - 2
- 0
[Feature Request] Add mock mixins
#528 opened by diegotori - 0
Incorrect url generation when using new baseurl
#519 opened by martinale14 - 3
DateTime query parameters should be encoded as ISO8601
#515 opened by wkolov - 2
implement correctly static analysis rules suppression
#506 opened by iXamDev - 1
[Feature request] --dart-define-from-file
#504 opened by DarkHeros09 - 4
- 4
`Unnecessary use of string interpolation` while the argument is used as the whole path.
#500 opened by gualse - 5
- 0
JsonSerializableConverter issue for String response
#494 opened by santro93 - 7
- 1
- 1
Readme: Documentation links are broken
#487 opened by hunterwilhelm - 9
Chopper 7.X.X mockito not working anymore.
#478 opened by frederikstonge - 2
Cancel/Abort request
#459 opened by CesaTor - 1
[Question] Is there a way to cancel the request?
#445 opened by JosephNK - 5
It's not possible to put generated files to a separate directory
#443 opened by victor-semenovich-dev - 1
405 Method Not Allow
#442 opened by dongnqda - 2
_TypeError (type '_Map<String, dynamic>' is not a subtype of type 'Auth?')
#409 opened by bstillitano - 19
- 2
[Feature request] Sentry support
#433 opened by JosephNK - 1
How to send a request with case sensitive headers ?
#411 opened by Mario359 - 3
- 8
Should we add a CODEOWNERS file?
#413 opened by techouse - 8
Version 5.2.0 is a breaking change
#395 opened by renefloor - 2
- 3
- 7
Flutter chopper generator converts body parameters from snake_case into camelCase
#401 opened by ssandr1kka - 0
Content-Type for JsonConverter request is case-sensitive causing applyingHeader to always override
#398 opened by sheldontuitt - 2
Authenticator corrupts request body
#388 opened by InAnadea