My Reads

That's the final project of module one of Udacity's React Course, involving concepts as React and SASS to develop. The API (src/services/api.js) it's don't developed by the creator of this project, it's provider by Udacity.

The demonstration images could be seen below.

Demonstration 1 Demonstration 2


The ideia of application is creating a system as a personal shelf which will store the books in basically three classes: Read, Want To Read and Currently Reading, and we can change the book state and search for more books to put in my reads shlef.

The project was approved of Ucacity (before change the README) and I was able to pass to next module.

Getting Started


The Node.js version of this project is 16.14.2 and the follow libraries which are used are below:

library version
form-serialize 0.7.2
sass 1.55.0
react 18.2.0
react-dom 18.2.0
date-fns 2.29.3

Installing and Executing program

If you decide to see the project its just to follow the sequences below:

First of all clone the repository and enter in Visual Code your in your favorite code editor.

git clone
cd my-reads-Udacity-course-project-part-one
code .

After it it's necessary to install the packages:

yarn install

And finally run

yarn dev

and access http://localhost:3000.


João Conte LinkedIn: /in/lejoaoconte


This project is licensed under the MIT License - see the file for details