
YouTube Link - https://youtu.be/uI4jBoHTmCw

Vincent Huynh (vinentHuynh) - Added data binding and queries to grab data from the database, Added functionality and UI for previous and next buttons switching between problems Commit codes: 34e938f705a098e6229c40ef66374463a1e2cf7e, 3c99c74c175cda785a89e7b7b04394c76e64684d

Kevin Le (lekevin) - Worked on the front end, added all animations, cards, layouts, and the navigation bar along with images and styling for all pages Commit codes: 9b831761dc0713d303510ac367ebbf166eb1c6dd, 6ca28c07c5eab5949f52d887454a0185071665e3, 5db0ae911d04b11944a487ce712922dcf3cc02a7

Tuan Nguyen (tuannguyencs) - Added the SQLite database connection, created the database with all fields and information, created a mock quiz and connected for testing, and added a DisplayAlert function Commit codes: cd1c06a2a19da41c0c017d7f1a66d58a9abdf8d6, fcb5e9b3e0a42513dbc33a040593207e04ed5112, 207572164f9fa741509b734c13a0cf193617c7cd