
Primary LanguagePythonApache License 2.0Apache-2.0

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Lekko Python SDK

The Lekko SDK for Python


The lekko_client package is published on PyPI.

pip install lekko_client


Initializing a cached Lekko client

Creates a client that fetches configs from Lekko backend and caches them in memory. Configs are kept up to date via polling.

import lekko_client

    api_key="<API_KEY>",  # Optional - defaults to "LEKKO_API_KEY" ENV Var
    lekko_uri="<URI>",    # Optional - defaults to "prod.api.lekko.dev:443"
    context={},           # Optionally provide context dict to be merged into each get request

str_config = lekko_client.get_string("my_namespace", "my_config", {"context_key": "context_val"})

Initializing a cached Lekko client in git mode

Creates a client that reads configs from a git repository on disk and caches them in memory. Configs are kept up to date via a file watcher.

import lekko_client

    api_key="<API_KEY>",  # Optional - defaults to "LEKKO_API_KEY" ENV Var
    lekko_uri="<URI>",    # Optional - defaults to "prod.api.lekko.dev:443"
    context={},           # Optionally provide context dict to be merged into each get request

str_config = lekko_client.get_string("my_namespace", "my_config", {"context_key": "context_val"})

Initializing a Lekko client for remote evaluation

Create a client that communicates with the Lekko API or a Lekko sidecar for remote evaluation

import lekko_client

lekko_client.initialize(lekko_client.APIConfig(  # Or lekko_client.SidecarConfig
    api_key="<API_KEY>",  # Optional - defaults to "LEKKO_API_KEY" ENV Var
    context={},           # Optionally provide context dict to be merged into each get request

str_config = lekko_client.get_string("my_namespace", "my_config", {"context_key": "context_val"})

Lifecycle management

lekko_client.initialize() must be invoked prior to calling the lekko_client.get_*() functions and should not be called multiple times. We recommend invoking it early in your app's lifecycle, for example when constructing your Flask app or as part of FastAPI's lifecycle context manager.

We recommend you invoke lekko_client.close() during app shutdown. This will ensure all evaluation events are properly tracked and the SDK client is deregistered correctly.

It is also possible to do your own lifecycle management and avoid the lekko_client.initialize() and lekko_client.get_*() methods entirely. The above root module-level methods are provided for convenience to suit most use cases, without having to explicitly manage a client instance and pass it around. Feel free to construct any of the clients in lekko_client.clients manually.

For example:

from lekko_client.clients import APIClient

client = APIClient(


def use_client(client):
    str_config = client.get_string("my_namespace", "my_config", {"context_key": "context_val"})
    return str_config


Protobuf configs

There are two methods to retrieve protobuf configs, with one allowing you to specify the expected proto message type.

  • get_proto_by_type(key, context, proto_message_type) will attempt to convert the config to the specified type and raise MismatchedProtoType on failure.

  • get_proto(key, context) will attempt to locate the proto message type in the proto symbol database, which tracks imported proto types. If unable to locate the type, it will simply return the message as a google.protobuf.any_pb2.Any

For example, if you have a proto config named proto_config defined as:

  "@type": "type.googleapis.com/google.protobuf.BoolValue",
  "value": false

You would see the following behavior:

>>> config_value = client.get_proto("proto", {})
>>> type(config_value)
<class 'google.protobuf.any_pb2.Any'>
>>> config_value.value

But after importing the appropriate type:

>>> from google.protobuf import wrappers_pb2
>>> config_value = client.get_proto("proto", {})
>>> type(config_value)
<class 'google.protobuf.wrappers_pb2.BoolValue'>
>>> config_value.value


See: https://github.com/lekkodev/python-sdk/blob/main/example.py