
Docker Image packaging for MuleESB http://www.mulesoft.org

Mule ESB Dockerfile

Docker Image packaging for MuleESB http://www.mulesoft.org

How to use

docker pull vromero/mule


For a simple application using 8081 port as HTTP

docker run -d -name myMuleInstance -P -v ~/myAppsDir:/opt/mule/apps -v ~/myLogsDir:/opt/mule/logs vromero/mule

Noteworthy mount points

Mount point Description
/opt/mule/apps Mule Application deployment directory
/opt/mule/domains Mule Domains deployment directory
/opt/mule/conf Configuration directory
/opt/mule/logs Logs directory

Exposed ports

Port Description
8081 Default HTTP port

This means only exposed port is 8081, if the application has other needs you should use -p rather than -P

-p 1234:1234