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Book Downloader

This tool is for download books from tululu.org e-library. It also has the published version of website as result of using this tool located here: https://leksuss.github.io/parse_library/website/pages/index1.html

How to download and run local copy of this library

  1. Get the source code of library: on this pag you can see green button named 'code'. After clicking on it you should select 'Download zip' item.

  2. Unpack zip-archive and double click on file located at parse_library-master/website/pages/index1.html

It looks like this:

How to install


  • python3.6+
  • beautifulsoup4
  • requests
  • pathvalidate
  • lxml
  • jinja2
  • livereload
  • more-itertools

How to setup and run

Get the source code of this repo:

git clone https://github.com/leksuss/parse_library.git

Go to this script:

cd parse_library

Python3 should be already installed. Then use pip (or pip3, if there is a conflict with Python2) to install dependencies:

# If you would like to install dependencies inside virtual environment, you should create it first.
pip3 install -r requirements.txt

Run simple webserver:

python3 render_website.py

And then open your favorite browser and type in the address bar this url

How to download more books from library

There are two scripts. Script named downloader.py can download books and covers by it's id range. Script named parse_tululu_category.py can download books from certain category (Fantastic section).


Each book in tululu e-library identifies by id. Script accept two positional arguments: start id and end id to set a range books needs to be downloaded. By default script try to download books with ids from 1 to 10 (inclusively). Books are downloaded to books folder, and book covers are downloaded to images folder, in the same place where script is located.

Run script without arguments:

python3 downloader.py

Run script with arguments:

python3 downloader.py 20 30


This script also creates two folders (if required, and depend on arguments) for book texts (books) and book covers(images). But also it create a json file with all metadata of each book.

It has parameters:

  • --start_page - an id page from which you need to start parse books. Default is 1.
  • --end_page - to which page id you need to parse books (not inclusively). if not set, script will download all pages till the end
  • --dest_folder - path to save parsed books, where is books, images folders and json file books.json will be located. Default is current directory.
  • --skip_imgs - flag to skip downloading book covers. Default is False, i.e. not skip
  • --skip_txt - flat to skip downloading book texts. Default is False, i.e. not skip
  • --json_path - custom path to json file with books metadata. Overwrites --dest_folder param for json file if set.

Here is some examples:

python3 parse_tululu_category.py --start_page 301 --end_page 303 --dest_folder ~/fantastic_books
python3 parse_tululu_category.py --start_page 700 --dest_folder ~/fantastic_books --json_path ~/fantastic_books/json_folder/data.json --skip_imgs
python3 parse_tululu_category.py --end_page 4 --skip_imgs --skip_txt --json_path ~/path/to/json/folder/books.json


This project is made for study purpose.