
InfluxDB PHP SDK - UDP/IP or HTTP adapters for read and write data

Primary LanguagePHPMIT LicenseMIT



  • Master: Build Status
  • Develop: Build Status

Send metrics to InfluxDB and query for any data.

Install it

Just use composer

php composer.phar require corley/influxdb-sdk:dev-master

Or place it in your require section

  "require": {
    // ...
    "corley/influxdb-sdk": "dev-master"

Add new points:

$client->mark("app.search", [
    "key" => "this is my search"

Retrieve existing points:

$results = $client->query("select * from app.search");

InfluxDB client adapters

Actually we supports two adapters

  • UDP/IP - in order to send data via UDP (datagram)
  • HTTP JSON - in order to send/retrieve using HTTP (connection oriented)

Using UDP/IP Adapter

In order to use the UDP/IP adapter your must have PHP compiled with the sockets extension.

To verify if you have the sockets extension just issue a:

php -m | grep sockets

If you don't have the sockets extension, you can proceed in two ways:

  • Recompile your PHP whith the --enable-sockets flag
  • Or just compile the sockets extension extracting it from the PHP source.
    1. Download the source relative to the PHP version that you on from here
    2. Enter in the ext/sockets directory
    3. Issue a phpize && ./configure && make -j && sudo make install
    4. Add extension=sockets.so to your php.ini


$options = new Options();
$adapter = new UdpAdapter($options);

$client = new Client();

Using HTTP Adapters

Actually Guzzle is used as HTTP client library


$options = new Options();
$adapter = new HttpAdapter($options);

$client = new Client();

Supported types of exceptions

  • InfluxGeneralException
  • InfluxAuthorizationException (extends InfluxGeneralException)
  • InfluxBadResponseException (extends InfluxGeneralException)
  • InfluxNoSeriesException (extends InfluxGeneralException)
  • InfluxUnexpectedResponseException (extends InfluxGeneralException)

Create your client with the factory method

Effectively the client creation is not so simple, for that reason you can you the factory method provided with the library.

$options = [
    "adapter" => [
        "name" => "InfluxDB\\Adapter\\HttpAdapter",
        "options" => [
            // guzzle options
    "options" => [
        "host" => "my.influx.domain.tld",
    "filters" => [
        "query" => [
            "name" => "InfluxDB\\Filter\\ColumnsPointsFilter"
$client = \InfluxDB\ClientFactory::create($options);

$client->mark("error.404", ["page" => "/a-missing-page"]);

Of course you can always use the DiC or your service manager in order to create a valid client instance.

Time Precision write/read queries

You can set the time_precision for query query

$client->mark("app.search", $points, "s"); //points contains "time" that is in seconds
$client->query("select * from app.search", "s"); // retrieve points using seconds for time column

Query InfluxDB

You can query the time series database using the query method.

$influx->query("select * from mine");
$influx->query("select * from mine", "s"); // with time_precision

You can query the database only if the adapter is queryable (implements QueryableInterface), actually HttpAdapter.

The adapter returns the json decoded body of the InfluxDB response, something like:

array(1) {
  [0] =>
  class stdClass#1 (3) {
    public $name =>
    string(8) "tcp.test"
    public $columns =>
    array(3) {
      [0] =>
      string(4) "time"
      [1] =>
      string(15) "sequence_number"
      [2] =>
      string(4) "mark"
    public $points =>
    array(1) {
      [0] =>
      array(3) {
        [0] =>
        [1] =>
        [2] =>
        string(7) "element"

By default data is returned as is. You can add filters in order to change a response as you prefer, by default this library carries a common filter that simplifies the response.

$client->setFilter(new ColumnsPointsFilter());

$data = $client->query("select * from hd_used");

With the "ColumnsPointsFilter" you get a list of dictionaries, something like:

    "serie_name" => [
            "time" => 410545635590,
            "sequence_number" => 390001,
            "mark" => "element",

Database operations

You can create, list or destroy databases using dedicated methods

$client->getDatabases(); // list all databases
$client->createDatabase("my.name"); // create a new database with name "my.name"
$client->deleteDatabase("my.name"); // delete an existing database with name "my.name"

Actually only queryable adapters can handle databases (implements the QueryableInterface)



The impact using UDP or HTTP adapters

    Method Name                Iterations    Average Time      Ops/second
    ------------------------  ------------  --------------    -------------
    sendDataUsingHttpAdapter: [1,000     ] [0.0026700308323] [374.52751]
    sendDataUsingUdpAdapter : [1,000     ] [0.0000436344147] [22,917.69026]


Just what append when you apply the ColumnsPointsFilter

    Method Name                Iterations    Average Time      Ops/second
    ------------------------  ------------  --------------    -------------
    get10PointDirectData    : [10,000    ] [0.0001383633137] [7,227.34931]
    get10PointFilteredData  : [10,000    ] [0.0001662570953] [6,014.78089]
    get100PointDirectData   : [1,000     ] [0.0002406690121] [4,155.08416]
    get100PointFilteredData : [1,000     ] [0.0008374640942] [1,194.08104]
    get1000PointDirectData  : [100       ] [0.0011058974266] [904.24299]
    get1000PointFilteredData: [100       ] [0.0074790692329] [133.70648]

in order to eliminate the http handshake and bandwidth overhead network operations are completely skipped