GeoIP Experiment

Experiment to fit and query MaxMind database into dynamodb. Works with IPv4 and IPv6.


npm install

You must put maxmind CSVs into the data folder:


Export the database:

npm run build -- --type=IPv4|IPv6

the output will be located in ./out named like this:


Example entry:

iph{"n":"281021"}ips{"n":"3758092288"}pc{"s":""}lc{"s":"en"}con_c{"s":"AS"}con_n{"s":"Asia"}cou_c{"s":"HK"}cou_n{"s":"Hong Kong"}s1_c{"s":""}s1_n{"s":""}s2_c{"s":""}s2_n{"s":""}cy_n{"s":""}m_c{"s":""}is_eu{"n":"0"}

Table of fields in the resulting database:

column name description value type
iph ip hash used for the hash key. Number
ips ip start as number Number
pc postal_code ("" when unknown) String
lc location_code ("" when unknown) String
con_c continent_code ("" when unknown) String
con_n continent_name ("" when unknown) String
cou_c country_iso_code ("" when unknown) String
cou_n country_name ("" when unknown) String
s1_c subdivision_1_code ("" when unknown) String
s1_n subdivision_1_name ("" when unknown) String
s2_c subdivision_2_code ("" when unknown) String
s2_n subdivision_2_name ("" when unknown) String
cy_n city_name ("" when unknown) String
m_c metro_code ("" when unknown) String
is_eu is_european_union (0 when unknown) Number

Clean the database:

npm run clean

Run a local dynamodb mock

npm run dynamodb-run

Insert IPv4 data into dynamodb mock

npm run dynamodb-insert

Run a test query on dynamodb mock

npm run dynamodb-query