
An Atos Worldline SIPS provider for JMSPaymentCoreBundle

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The LelivrescolairePaymentSipsBundle provides access to the Atos Worldline SIPS payment solution (subscription plugin) through the JMSPaymentCoreBundle.

Thanks to KptivePaymentSipsBundle to have done almost all the work. This bundle is aimed to be merge with the original KptivePaymentSipsBundle

The following payment services are powered by Atos SIPS:

  • Merc@net (BNP Parisbas)
  • Cyberplus (Banque Populaire)
  • Elys Net (HSBC)
  • Scellius (La Banque Postale)
  • SogenActif (Société Générale)
  • Webaffaires (Crédit du Nord)
  • Sherlocks (LCL)
  • Citelis (Crédit Mutuel)
  • ...

This means that this bundle should work out of the box with any of them.


Step 1


$ php composer.phar require kptive/payment-sips-bundle

Or add the following to your composer.json before updating your vendors:

    "require": {
        "kptive/payment-sips-bundle": "*@dev"

Step 2

Register the bundle in your AppKernel class. You will also have to register the JMSPaymentCoreBundle and configure it.

// app/AppKernel.php

    public function registerBundles()
        $bundles = array(
            // ...
            new JMS\Payment\CoreBundle\JMSPaymentCoreBundle(),
            new Kptive\PaymentSipsBundle\KptivePaymentSipsBundle(),

        // ...

    // ...

Step 3

Copy the content of your SIPS folder into app/sips/. If you want to put it elsewhere, just edit the config values of the pathfile and binaries locations (see below).

You will also have to copy or put your own logo images in the right location depending on what you specified in your pathfile.


        merchant_id: "082584341411111"
        merchant_country: fr
        normal_return_url: %base_url%/checkout/complete
        cancel_return_url: %base_url%/checkout/cancel
        automatic_response_url: %base_url%/checkout/notification
        pathfile: %kernel.root_dir%/config/sips/param/pathfile
        currency_code: 978
        request_bin: %kernel.root_dir%/config/sips/bin/static/request
        response_bin: %kernel.root_dir%/config/sips/bin/static/response


Let's assume that you have an AcmePaymentBundle and that you handle your orders with a Acme\PaymentBundle\Entity\Order class:


namespace Acme\PaymentBundle\Entity;

use Doctrine\ORM\Mapping as ORM;
use JMS\Payment\CoreBundle\Entity\PaymentInstruction;

 * @ORM\Table(name="acme_order")
class Order

     * @ORM\Id
     * @ORM\Column(type="integer")
     * @ORM\GeneratedValue(strategy="AUTO")
    private $id;

     * @ORM\OneToOne(targetEntity="JMS\Payment\CoreBundle\Entity\PaymentInstruction")
    private $paymentInstruction;

     * @ORM\Column(type="decimal", precision=10, scale=2)
    private $amount;

     * @ORM\Column(type="datetime", name="payed_at", nullable=true)
    private $payedAt;

    // ...

    public function getId()
        return $this->id;

    public function getAmount()
        return $this->amount;

    public function getPaymentInstruction()
        return $this->paymentInstruction;

    public function setPaymentInstruction(PaymentInstruction $instruction)
        $this->paymentInstruction = $instruction;

        return $this;

    public function getPayedAt()
        return $this->payedAt;

    public function setPayedAt($payedAt)
        $this->payedAt = $payedAt;

        return $this;

Create a controller with a details action. This is where your customer can review their order and confirm it.


namespace Acme\PaymentBundle\Controller;

use Sensio\Bundle\FrameworkExtraBundle\Configuration\Route;
use Sensio\Bundle\FrameworkExtraBundle\Configuration\Template;
use Symfony\Component\HttpFoundation\RedirectResponse;
use Symfony\Bundle\FrameworkBundle\Controller\Controller;
use JMS\Payment\CoreBundle\Entity\PaymentInstruction;
use Acme\PaymentBundle\Entity\Order;

 * @Route("/checkout")
class CheckoutController extends Controller
    // ...

     * @Route("/details/{id}", name = "payment_details")
     * @Template()
    public function detailsAction(Order $order)
        $request = $this->get('request');
        $em = $this->get('doctrine')->getEntityManager();
        $router = $this->get('router');
        $ppc = $this->get('payment.plugin_controller');

        $confirm = new \StdClass();

        $form = $this->createFormBuilder($confirm)
            ->add('save', 'submit', array('label' => 'confirmer'))

        if ('POST' === $request->getMethod()) {

            if ($form->isValid()) {
                $instruction = new PaymentInstruction($order->getAmount(), 978, 'sips');



                return new RedirectResponse($router->generate('payment_gateway', array(
                    'id' => $order->getId(),

        return array(
            'order' => $order,
            'form' => $form->createView()

As you can see in the previous action, when the user confirms their order, we create a new PaymentInstruction (see the JMSPaymentCoreBundle documentation for more information on how it works). They are then redirected to the payment_gateway route. This is where we'll make a call to the SIPS API so that we can display the SIPS credit card choice form.

Let's implement the corresponding action:

     * @Route("/gateway/{id}", name="payment_gateway")
     * @Template()
    public function sipsGatewayAction(Order $order)
        $client = $this->get('kptive_payment_sips.client');

        $config = array(
            'amount' => $order->getAmount() * 100,
            'order_id' => $order->getId(),

        $sips = $client->request($config);

        return array('sips' => $sips);

And in the corresponding view, display the form to the user:

{# src/Acme/PaymentBundle/Resources/views/Checkout/sipsGateway.html.twig #}

{{ sips|raw }}

When the user has completed the payment workflow on the SIPS platform, they will be redirected to the normal_return_url you configured earlier in the bundle config section.

Let's implement the action :

     * @Route("/complete", name="payment_complete")
     * @Template()
    public function completeAction(Request $request)
        $data = $request->request->get('DATA');
        $em = $this->get('doctrine')->getEntityManager();
        $client = $this->get('kptive_payment_sips.client');

        $response = $client->handleResponseData($data);
        $order = $em->getRepository('KsPaymentBundle:Order')->find($response['order_id']);
        $instruction = $order->getPaymentInstruction();

        $result = $this->get('kptive_payment_sips.return_handler')->handle($instruction, $response);

        return array('order' => $order);

For now, we didn't do anything with the Order, we just handled the bank response and marked the payment as valid.

The JMSPaymentCoreBundle will trigger a payment.state_change event. So we will listen to this event and do everything useful we want in a PaymentListener:


namespace Acme\PaymentBundle\EventListener;

use Doctrine\ORM\EntityManager;
use JMS\Payment\CoreBundle\PluginController\Event\PaymentStateChangeEvent;
use JMS\Payment\CoreBundle\Model\PaymentInterface;

class PaymentListener

    protected $entityManager;

    public function __construct(EntityManager $entityManager)
        $this->entityManager = $entityManager;

    public function onPaymentStateChange(PaymentStateChangeEvent $event)
        if (PaymentInterface::STATE_DEPOSITED === $event->getNewState()) {
            $order = $this
                ->findOneBy(array('paymentInstruction' => $event->getPaymentInstruction()));

            $order->setPayedAt(new \DateTime());

            // Do various things with the Order here
            // ...


Register it as a service:

        <service id="acme_payment.payment_listener" class="Acme\PaymentBundle\EventListener\PaymentListener">
            <tag name="kernel.event_listener" event="payment.state_change" method="onPaymentStateChange" />
            <argument type="service" id="doctrine.orm.entity_manager">

And voilà!

If your customer doesn't click on the "Back" button on the bank platform, a request will be automatically issued to the configured automatic_response_url.

You can use the same URL as the normal_return_url or implement your own.

Warning: those examples don't take security into account. Don't forget to check the ownership of the order!


A great thank you to Johannes M Schmitt for his awesome JMSPayementCoreBundle. Thanks to https://github.com/Kitano/KitanoPaymentSipsBundle for the inspiration.


KptivePaymentSipsBundle is released under the MIT License. See the bundled LICENSE file for details.