
Notes from people on quarantine around the globe.

Primary LanguageJavaScript

Quarantine Notes

Notes from people on quarantine around the globe -> A serverless app

Local development


  • Python 3.6
  • NodeJS > 10
  • Yarn
  • pipenv (pip install pipenv)
  • serverless (npm i -g serverless)
  • Java (for the local DynamoDB server)


Installing the dependencies

Install the Python dependencies:

pipenv install --dev

Install the NodeJS dependencies:

yarn install

Install DynamoDB locally:

sls dynamodb install

Running the API

Run this command:

pipenv run honcho start

And access the API on http://localhost:5000


Installing the dependencies

Enter in the frontend folder:

cd frontend

Install the NodeJS dependencies:

yarn install

Running the Web interface

Make sure you're in the frontend folder and run this command:

yarn run serve

And access the Web interface on http://localhost:8080


  • add link to personal website
  • create "view note" page
  • display linebreaks (currently \n entered have no effect)
  • allow replies on notes
  • show number of replies on Inbox cards
  • integrate with watson to identify which language the note was written in
  • add filter by language
  • add filter by country
  • add spinner while waiting for Inbox component to get notes from aws
  • write frontend tests

Running tests


Start the DynamoDB server:

yarn run test-db

Run the tests:

pipenv run pytest --ignore=vuemail-dark
