
Added support to work with angular ngClick events

Primary LanguageJavaScript


Added support to work with angular ngClick events

How to use

  1. Clone/grab the enjoyhint library from mahpour/enjoyhint

  2. Add 'enjoyhint' to your application module dependencies

  3. Use 'ngClick' as the value for event along with event_type: "custom"in your enjoyhint steps configuration. Example:

        "selector": "a.dropdown-toggle",
        "event": "ngClick",
        "event_type": "custom",
        "description": "To begin, click on drop down menu near the top of the screen.",
        "showSkip": true
        "selector": "ul.dropdown-menu:visible li:nth-child(2) a",
        "timeout": "300",
        "event_type": "custom",
        "event": "ngClick",
        "description": "Now, select  the 2nd item",
        "showSkip": true