
This project implements an ELT (Extract - Load - Transform) data pipeline with the goodreads dataset, using dagster (orchestration), spark (calculation) and dbt (transformation)

Primary LanguageJupyter NotebookMIT LicenseMIT


For Vietnamese edition, please visit https://lelouvincx.github.io/projects/fde2-goodreads-elt-pipeline/

In this project, I will guide you on building a basic data pipeline using the ELT model (extract - load - transform), using the dataset from Goodreads to ingest and transform data to serve a book recommendation system for yourself.

This project is completed based on the knowledge learned from the Fundamental Data Engineering 02 course of AIDE. Special thanks to Mr. Nguyen Thanh Binh, Mr. Ong Xuan Hong, and Mr. Hung Le.

1. Introduction

I love reading books, and I have a Kindle e-reader for my daily reading.

One thing I like about the Kindle is that it has a separate email address provided by Amazon. If I use my own email to send e-book files (in .epub/.mobi format), the Amazon system will automatically send the files to my Kindle as long as there is an internet connection.

So why not build an app that can extract data from Goodreads (a social network for book lovers), process it, and provide recommendations for my next reads? And that's where the project begins :D

2. Objective

Dataset is collected from Kaggle, OpenLibrary API, Google Drive API and Notion API

The objective of the project is to provide book recommendations to users based on the processed data collected. When a user inputs information about a book they have read, the app will suggest potential next reads. If the book has an .epub file, the app will also have a feature to send the book to the user's Kindle.

3. Design

3.1 Directory tree

  • app: The UI's application written with streamlit
  • dagster_home: Dagit and dagster daemon's configurations
  • dataset: Dataset under .csv format, in order to load into MySQL
  • docker-compose: To compose docker containers
  • dockerimages: Include self-built docker images, such as dagster (for dagit + daemon), spark master, streamlit app, ...
  • EDA.ipynb: Exploratory Data Analysis, view directly here
  • elt_pipeline: The pipeline
    • dbt_transform: dbt's code location, used for the last transform step
    • Dockerfile + requirements.txt: Docker image
    • elt_pipeline: EL (Extract -> Transform) pipeline
  • .env + .spark_master.env + .spark_worker.env: Env variables (e.g POSTGRES_USER, MYSQL_USER, SPARK, ...)
  • env.template: Env variables template
  • .git + .gitignore: Code versioning
  • Makefile: Shortcut for terminal's commands
  • load_dataset: .sql scripts to create schema and load dataset into MySQL, Postgres
  • requirements.txt + Pipfile + Pipfile.lock: Python's dependencies

In addition, the containers also have their own separate directories, which include:

  • minio
  • storage
    • mysql_data
    • postgres_data
    • metabase_data

Visit file tree.txt for more details.

3.2 Pipeline design

  1. We use docker to containerize the application and dagster to orchestrate assets (as defined in dagster's documentation).
  2. Goodreads data is downloaded from Kaggle in .csv format, then imported into MySQL to simulate development data
  3. After obtaining the book's ISBN (international standard book number), collect additional data from relevant APIs:
    • Genre, author, pages number, image, description from OpenLibrary API
    • Download link from Notion API
    • Epub file from Google Drive API
    • Image from OpenLibrary API or Google Drive API
  4. Extract the table-formatted data above using polars, and load it into the datalake - MinIO.
  5. From MinIO, load data into spark to transform from raw into silver & gold
  6. Convert Spark DataFrame to .parquet, and load back to MinIO
  7. Load gold layer into data warehouse - postgreSQL, creating the warehouse layer.
  8. Transform as needed using dbt on postgres
  9. Visualize the data using metabase
  10. Create a book recommendation app using streamlit

3.3 Database schema

  1. book: OLTP table contains books' infomation (e.g ISBN, Authors, Rating, Description...)
  2. genre: table contains genres
  3. book_genre: n-n relationship of book and genre
  4. book_download_link: table contains link google drive
  5. files: object storage contains books' download files (.epub/.pdf/.mobi)
  6. images: object storage contains books' images

3.4 Datalake structure

  1. The datalake is divided into three layers: bronze, silver, and gold.
  2. All files are under the .parquet format for better reading performance than .csv.
  3. There are also files that stores .epub files in the format of abc.epub, where abc is the ISBN of the book.
  4. Similarly, abc.jpeg stores the image of the book.

3.5 Data lineage

  1. General

With a dense data lineage, Dagster is a big help when it comes to visualizing it in a clear way:

  • Data originates from MySQL and various APIs, and is loaded into the bronze layer.
  • From the bronze layer, data is deduped, cleaned, and missing values are filled in the silver layer.
  • Advanced computations and splitting are then performed in the gold layer.
  • The data is loaded into the data warehouse - Postgres - in the warehouse layer.
  • Finally, transformations are made according to needs in the recommendations layer using dbt.
  1. Bronze layer

Includes these assets:

  • bronze_book: Table book from MySQL, because too large (over 1.2 million rows) it is partitioned by year from 1975 to 2022.
  • bronze_genre: Table genre from MySQL.
  • bronze_book_genre: Table book_genre from MySQL.
  • bronze_book_download_link: Table book_download_link from MySQL.
  • bronze_images_and_files_download: Đảm nhận việc kết nối tới google drive api, kéo file .epub và hình ảnh về, lưu trong datalake.
  • bronze_images_and_files_download: Responsible for connecting to the Google Drive API, pulling the .epub file and images, and storing them in the datalake.
  1. Silver layer

Includes these assets:

  • silver_cleaned_book: Data cleaning from upstream bronze_book, partitioned to ensure spark standalone mode can run efficiently.
  • silver_collected_book: Collect missing data from upstream such as authors, pages number, and description from OpenLibrary API.
  • silver_isbn: Extract the isbn column from book to serve as a dependency for assets related to genre.
  • silver_cleaned_genre: Similar to silver_cleaned_book, but doesn't need partitioning as its size is not very large.
  • silver_collected_genre: Based on silver_isbn, collect missing genres for each book. If there is no genre, it cannot be used for recommendations in subsequent tasks.
  • silver_collected_book_genre: Establish the n-n relationship between book and genre.
  1. Gold layer

Includes these assets:

  • gold_genre: Compute and sort genres to match from upstream silver_collected_genre, while also saving them to minIO.
  • gold_book_genre: Similarly, from upstream silver_collected_book_genre.
  • gold_with_info: Splitting, containing only basic information about the book such as ISBN, Name, Authors, Language, PagesNumber.
  • gold_with_publish: Splitting, containing information about the publisher, publication time.
  • gold_with_rating: Splitting and computing different types of ratings.
  1. Warehouse layer

Load the assets from the gold layer into Postgres, including one asset from the bronze layer which is book_download_link.

In the future, the assets will be updated to add download links automatically from the Notion API, and a schedule will be set up.

  1. Transform layer

Includes these assets:

  • search: Transform information to create an index table, which will be queried when users search for books.
  • search_prior: Also an index table, but contains books that are given priority based on factors such as availability of download links, functionality of the OpenLibrary API, high ratings, etc.
  • criteria: Criteria used to query related books when searching for a specific book.

4. Setup

4.1 Prequisites

To develop this pipeline, download and install these softwares:

  1. Git
  2. Docker with at least 4GB RAM, 6 core CPU, 2GB swap, 16GB disk
  3. CMake, nếu dùng hệ máy UNIX (Linux/MacOS), check make --version already installed
  4. Python 3.x (3.9.16 recommended as the Spark image runs on this version, installing via asdf is recommended) and a virtual environment (pipenv recommended)
  5. A local machine that has freed the following ports: 3306, 5432, 9000, 9001, 3001, 8501, 4040, 7077, 8080, 3030
  6. Dbeaver or any other DB client (if not available, can use command-line)

If using Windows, set up WSL2 and a local Ubuntu virtual machine, then install the above software for Ubuntu.

Clone the repository

git clone https://github.com/lelouvincx/goodreads-elt-pipeline.git project
cd project

Download the csv dataset here, then place it in project/dataset

4.2 Setup google drive api

Firstly we need to create an OAuth 2.0 token to google, Google API Console.

Select create new project:

Fill in project's name (goodreads-elt_pipeline), choose location (default No organization).

After creating project, select tab Library:

Search Google Drive API, enable it.

Next, select tab OAuth consent screen,

Fill in below information:

In scopes, select add or remove scopes, look for google drive api, readonly then tick, save and continue until end.

Select tab credentials -> create credentials then OAuth client ID.

Select Desktop app, name as you like (default: goodreads-elt-pipeline)

Download json and place in project/elt_pipeline/elt_pipeline

4.3 Setup local infrastructure

Clone repository:

# Create env file
touch .env
cp env.template .env
touch .spark_master.env
cp spark_master.env.template .spark_master.env
touch .spark_worker.env
cp spark_worker.env.template .spark_worker.env

Then fill in the infomation into the above env files, for examples:


# PostgreSQL

# Google Drive

# Dagster

# dbt
# MinIO

# MinIO client (mc)

# Spark

# Metabase

You can replace the infomation about user, password, ...

For development only, do not use for production.

# Setup python environment
pipenv install
# Or create virtualenv and install manually by requirements.txt
make install

# Build docker images
make build-dagster
make build-spark
make build-pipeline
make build-streamlit

# Run containers dettached
make up-bg

# Check running containers
docker compose ps -a

# Check code quality
make check
make lint

# Format pipelines
black ./elt_pipeline

# Test coverage
make test

Check there's 11 running services:


  • MySQL: 3306
  • PostgreSQL: 5432
  • Dagit: 3001
  • MinIO
    • UI: 9001
    • API: 9000
  • Spark master:
    • UI: 8080
    • API: 7077
  • Pipeline:
    • Spark jobs running: 4040
  • Metabase: 3030
  • Streamlit: 8501

4.4 Import data into MySQL

Now we import the Goodreads dataset (unser csv format) into MySQL:

make to_mysql_root
SET GLOBAL local_infile=TRUE;
-- Check if local_infile was turned on
SHOW VARIABLES LIKE "local_infile";
# Create tables with schema
make mysql_create

# Load csv into created tables
make mysql_load

4.5 Create schema in Postgres

make psql_create

4.6 User interfaces

  1. http://localhost:3001 - Dagit
  2. http://localhost:4040 - Spark jobs
  3. http://localhost:8080 - Spark master
  4. http://localhost:9001 - MinIO
  5. http://localhost:3030 - Metabase
  6. http://localhost:8501 - Streamlit

5. Considerations

Evaluation of the project:

  1. Speed: spark is installed in standalone mode, so it does not achieve high performance and sometimes crashes in the middle of performing shuffle/read/write tasks.
  2. Development environment: Currently, there is only a development environment, and in the future, testing, staging, and production environments will be considered.
  3. dbt is currently a small project, and in the future, if more transformations are needed, it should be split into separate services with different permissions.
  4. Deployment: Using one of the cloud computing services such as AWS, Azure, GCP.

6. Further actions

  1. Complete the recommender system
  2. Integrate Jupyter Notebook for DS tasks - dagstermill
  3. Testing environment
  4. Continuous Integration with Github Actions