- 4
Failed to build: " :LOCK fell through ECASE expression"
#1553 opened by jvasile - 0
Keyboard layout/key combination issues
#1569 opened by nukemdu - 0
- 1
- 2
`rainbow-delimiters` port - integrate into showparen?
#1564 opened by nmccamish - 2
- 0
- 8
Directory Sorting Order?
#1546 opened by nmccamish - 2
Cyclic dependency with lem-base16-themes
#1548 opened by jgarte - 0
- 9
Install on OpenBSD; unable to load ASYNC-PROCESS
#1539 opened by krsanky - 12
- 2
- 1
Minor Grep & End-of-Buffer Bug
#1530 opened by nmccamish - 1
Add a Dockerfile mode support
#1529 opened by Qwarctick - 1
Add alias `legit` to `legit-status`?
#1526 opened by nmccamish - 1
start lsp server alone
#1477 opened by rogercloud - 0
- 5
Bind for peek-legit-discard-file conflicts with vi-mode
#1513 opened by ghosty141 - 0
SDL2: Typing Cyrillic characters doubles them
#1524 opened by PracticallyNothing - 0
In vi mode `:'<,'>s/^/;;/` leads to a crash.
#1522 opened by g-gundam - 4
Lem hangs when redefining struct as class
#1453 opened by anlsh - 5
Unknown &KEY argument: :LOCAL-NICKNAMES when installing
#1504 opened by Xephobia - 0
Don't overlay docs over the completion window
#1512 opened by ghosty141 - 1
Improper centralization for populated minibuffer
#1475 opened by daedsidog - 1
RET should invoke lem-core::color-theme-selector-select in vi-mode's normal mode too
#1499 opened by g-gundam - 1
Package-locked-error during lem install
#1503 opened by tetrazolium - 1
Color / grammar inconsistencies
#1482 opened by rpx99 - 0
display-width returns wrong value; likely window width
#1496 opened by jsparkes - 7
M-x slime process creation fails
#1493 opened by rpx99 - 2
- 1
More button in inspector not working
#1480 opened by rpx99 - 1
Unable to write AsciiDoc files
#1478 opened by ryan-carpenter - 0
Keymapping problem with C- SHIFT
#1481 opened by rpx99 - 2
- 1
Standard document/non-programming attributes
#1468 opened by jfaz1 - 0
terminal lib for OpenBSD
#1467 opened by rpx99 - 2
clim paste problem
#1464 opened by rpx99 - 2
Terminal improvements
#1419 opened by cxxxr - 0
bug of lisp-test-runner-run-current: for test failure
#1449 opened by cxxxr - 0
- 0
Make the window have a title bar
#1440 opened by cxxxr - 0
fuzzy completion improvement
#1441 opened by cxxxr - 3
Debugger invoked due to missing
#1429 opened by migraine-user - 1
vi-mode: y% copies only the first line
#1408 opened by rongcuid - 0
Dynamic *-help Commands
#1416 opened by hendursaga - 3
- 1
Legit - open currently selected hunk in buffer
#1424 opened by jfaz1 - 2
Micro dependency
#1412 opened by BrunoCiccarino - 1
The release page says there is a, but that does not exist.
#1407 opened by wglb