
These rules are based on ConnersHua and lhie1's rules, internet opensource rules and my rules.

This is a [Clash] rule-set based on ConnersHua’s Pro rules, Lhie1’s rules, internet opensource rules and my own rules.

These rules are simplified and contain only following groups:

DIRECT: default group for direct access to Chinese websites. “Domestic”, “AsianTV” and “HKMTMedia” groups of other rules are removed except for NeteaseMusic and Apple.

Apple: for Apple, DIRECT is recommended, choose PROXY if you would like to.

NeteaseMusic: for NeteaseMusic, DIRECT is recommended.

PROXY: All websites except for those belong to Japan, Telegram, Speedtest and Netflix groups.

Japan: includes DMM, Niconico, Github and others.

Telegram: Choose nodes for Telegram. Singapore nodes are recommended.

Speedtest: includes Speedtest.net and Fast.com. Test whatever nodes you want to.

Netflix: in case you watch Netflix.

AdBlock: This is a combination of “Hijacking” and “AdBlock”, since you have to reject them all.

BTW, you know what? add "- SRC-PORT,[YOUR-BT-PORT],DIRECT" to the rules to avoid BT software using proxy.