This repo contains the source code for the paper Scalable Variational Bayesian Kernel Selection for Sparse Gaussian Process Regression by Tong Teng, Jie Chen, Yehong Zhang and Bryan Kian Hsiang Low, appearing in AAAI 2020.
Install R
requirements.txt (gpflow==1.5.1, tensorflow-gpu==1.14.0)
use conda install -c anaconda tensorflow-gpu==1.14
to install for cuda10.1
Replace files in xxx/site-packages/sklearn/gaussian_process/, with src/dependencies/,
This will be use when computing the kernel posterior belief.
Related files are in src/bksgpR/
- in env/env_maplecgpu.R, set R library directory and other directories
- run src/bksgpR/install_packages.R (must use StanHeaders 2.17.2)
- src/analyse/ r.setwd('xxx/BKS/src/R_bks')
dataset file: e.g., 'datasets/swissgrid.csv'
configuration file: e.g., 'config/swiss_cfg_1.json'
kernel name file: e.g., 'src/kernelstring3.csv'
initial hyper file: e.g., 'config/swiss_init_14/'
"settings": {
"data_to_use": number of data points to use in the experiment
"global_u_size": number of global inducing points
"local_u_size": number of local inducing points (in case of periodic pattern)
"iter_num_full": how many iterations for full data training
"iter_num_subset": how many iterations for subset training (no need of convergence)
"minibatch_size": sgd minibatch size
"scale": for time series data, if you don't want X to be in [0, 1]
"test_size": test data proportion
"n_init": how many different initial hypers for a kernel, if init_hyper_file is not None, this will be set to 1
"ker_bracket": whether there are bracket in the kernel string
"save_logger": default true, save the ELBO and time logger
"Z_fixed": for subset training, default true, fix inducing points for different subsets
"Z_reused": for subset training, default true, reuse SVGP inducing parameters from last subset training
"lik_reused": for subset training, default true, reuse SVGP likelihood parameters from last subset training
"sub_mode" : for subset training, "random", how to choose the subset
"num_of_batch_per_subset": for subset training, how many bathces in a subset
"num_of_subset": for subset training, how many subsets to train in the whole experiment
"paths": {
"data_identifier": a string to identify data
"datafile": e.g., "../datasets/swissgrid.csv",
"init_hyper_file" : e.g., "../config/swiss_init/", see the following Hyperparameters section
"working_folder_suffix": a string to add to the working folder name, it can be empty ''.
If 'init_hyper_file' is None: initial hyper will be generated randomly while creating the kernel.
To generate the init_hyper_file: run src/
Modify configuration files and *.sh files,
mkdir 'out/' in 'src/'
- will call, training on full data with multiple initial hypers or specified initial hypers
- will call, set random_seeds to get the results for multiple runs.
directory: results will be save in result/working_folder (src/utils/ generates working_folder name)
plot_rmse(): it will call,, in order. Changing of rmse with the increasing od data size is plotted.
compute_pk_large(): Changing of p(k) with the increasing od data size is plotted.
Run from src/analyse/: python Remember to set the right configuration file.
directory: working_folder/ana_res/, working_folder/plots_res/
- Kernel selection with BO, run src/compare_BO/ Remember to set the right configuration file. Pre-trained results will be used to save time.
- Compare with VBKS, make sure plot_rmse() is done. Run src/compare_BO/ The plotted figure will be saved in full data working folder. -> ->>(,,
- train with full data for multiple kernels
- increase subset size, reuse hypers, save results for different kernels separately reuse_batch_sizes = np.zeros() means do not reuse parameters (but the result is not good)
- a small kernel set, increase subset size, save all results for different kernels in one file, compute probability p(k)
-, gather trained results from run_subsets_reuse_true, compute p(k), calls
-, compute BMA rmse
-, plot and record rmse of best kernel and BMA rmse, and time the results will be used to compare with BO
-, plot p(k)
-, use all the data, compute p(k) in the middle of training
!!! Don't run multiple in parallel... filename.txt will be changed.