
SSH connection to retrieve server information with Python and Bash

Primary LanguagePython


SSH connection to retrieve server information with Python and Bash


To retrieve the project and work from another host:

$ git clone https://github.com/lemiliomoreno/python-ssh.git

When doing this, you will still need to create the passwd.txt and login.sh files.

Creating files and directories needed

To start working with this script, you will need first to copy the source files and directories for the script to work, for that, we should use the following commands from 'itxadmin':

$ mkdir ~/before_patch_report
$ pbrun bash
# cp /home/morenodl/before_patch_report/before_patch_check.py /home/morenodl/before_patch_report/commands.sh /home/morenodl/before_patch_report/what_to_do.sh ~/before_patch_report/
# exit

If you got a problem with the permissions, you can change to root, use the cp command and then change to normal user.

Then we should create the servers.txt and login.sh, I recommend saving login.sh in a hidden folder:

$ touch ~/before_patch_report/servers.txt
$ mkdir ~/before_patch_report/.private_files
$ touch ~/before_patch_report/.private_files/login.sh

Running these commands, we should got the following directories:

├── before_patch_check.py   # Script to run in the server
├── commands.sh             # Commands that are going to run thru SSH
├── .private_files
│   └── login.sh            # Login credentials of your Linux account
├── servers.txt             # List of servers to check
└── what_to_do.sh           # Configuration of SSH connection and username 

Configuration files

When all the files are created, we need to change the configuration file login.sh in order to start working with the script, we should open it:

$ vim ~/before_patch_report/.private_files/login.sh

and write the following:


In this file you will change these two variables so they match with your Linux account credentials.

You should change the permissions of that file so it cannot be accessed by other users:

$ chmod 400 ~/before_patch_report/.private_files/login.sh

NOTE: If you want to store the login.sh file in another place, you should modify the file what_to_do.sh:

source YOUR_LOGIN.SH_PATH   # This is without quotes

Next, you should put the list of servers that are going to be checked in servers.txt:

$ vim ~/before_patch_report/servers.txt

Add them like this:


and save the file.

Before running the script, make sure you have the files commands.sh and what_to_do.sh in executable mode, if not:

$ chmod 750 ~/before_patch_report/commands.sh ~/before_patch_report/what_to_do.sh

Running the script

To run the script, you should only run the following commands:

$ cd ~
$ ./before_patch_report/what_to_do.sh

This will create a file called:


this is going to be stored in the server checked, it saves the server information.

Where you run the script (itxadmin) it will output like this:

server1.hostname.com  qpk20xxxx Release
server2.hostname.com  qpk20xxxx Release
server3.hostname.com  qpk20xxxx Release
server4.hostname.com  qpk20xxxx Release

Working on

SSH private key support