First, the user can choose if he wants to create an account or sig in, Lets see this step by step.
that are the variables necessary to create a account.
- Name
- Password
with your account created, you will need authenticate your datas in the system, using the logIn screen but just using 2 variables now.
- Password
This is the main screen, here you will be able to search for collectons like Azuki, MoonBirds, the Captainz and others. The results of the searchs will datas like:
- FloorPrice
- Trading Volume
- Owners
Some actions like buying a nft, are working but aren't 100%, i'm still working on that, that its just he firsts steps, we will talk about this in the next topic.
here is the uploaded video for that you can see the project runing:
- Solve bugs
- Improving buy Option, and add Sell option
- Allow that the user can see your profit/loss in real time
- Create a page witch you will can put profile pictures, and see your collections in the wallet
Java | SpringBoot | Hibernate | Docker | MySql | Junit |
create a DataBase with:
Name: containerMarket Password: root
the ports used were "3300:3306" "3300" must be free in your computer or you will need to change the porst in configs
- application.yml
- docker-compose.yml
Now, run this command in terminal:
*docker-compose up
Start application runing the main class, and search for "http://localhost:8080/inicio" in your web navigator;
This project will be updated, stay stuned for news, and follow me here and in social midias or if you want to contact me:
- Linkedin :
- instagram:
- email: