
Very simple python script to identify positive/negative sentences using a NLTK library

Primary LanguagePython


Based on the code of the blog post: http://fjavieralba.com/basic-sentiment-analysis-with-python.html and included a greater list of positive and negative words Also added support for stdin to convert into a MapReduce job


sudo apt-get install python-pip python-dev
sudo pip install nltk pyyaml numpy

If the configure.py script fails, fire up python from a console and type:

import nltk


cat tweets.csv | ./basic_sentiment_analysis.py | sort | ./top-sent.pl

Input (basic_sentiment_analysis.py)

tweets with tweets.csv format

Output (basic_sentiment_analysis.py)

Format: CSV data with:	[DATE YYYY-MM-DD],[Tweet Geo Location],[# Retweets],[Tweet text],[Sentiment value]

- Sentiment value > 0.0 - Positive comment
- Sentiment value < 0.0 - Negative comment

Input (top-sent.pl)

*Sorted* output of basic_sentiment_analysis.py (see above)

Output (top-sent.pl)

Format: Same as basic_sentiment_analysis.py 	

Returns the top Sentiment tweet per day per Geo Location.